St. Louis Cremation

Ella M Schorman

My farewell to mom, until we meet again

Mom was an amazing women, unbelievable qualities, unlike no other I’ve known. Her love and life were her children. Everything she did was for us so we could have an enriched life unlike the life she experienced. We were not allowed to use the word can’t in our vocabulary. She taught us, if there is a will there is a way and that is how she lived. Once her mind was made up, she only moved forward and did not look back. She had remarkable strength in her petite slender little body but oh so mighty, she was a force to be reckoned with, nothing she couldn’t do. She used to say dynamite came in small packages. She would enter a room and it lit up, such a graceful presence and I must say very attractive. She dressed to the nines with a style all her own, prim and proper and such class. She dressed for success. She loved her quaint home, where she was able to reside until passing, thanks to my brother Dave, another amazing individual. She decorated her house with style and flair all her own. Her yard was filled with color from flowers and trees she planted, she had more trees than anyone in her neighborhood. She loved nature, we spent hours, days and nights on her patio. Those were very memorable times. She loved babies, didn’t matter if they were two-legged or four-legged. She would wrap her arms them and you could see the delight in her eyes, her face would glow, I can see her now.

If you were fortunate enough to meet this wonderful individual, my mom, she left a lasting impression with you. Our loss is horrific and our lives are off-kilter for now, but mom is with our sister Mary, (mom called her peeny) and with that comes some comfort. With her passing, our lives will never be the same, but the tender loving memories of this remarkable, incredible women, our momma will live with me/us forever. All my love, Your first born, Paula

In lieu of flowers, please plant a tree in honor of Mom/Mimi.



  1. Julie on August 30, 2017 at 3:15 pm

    Loved her??Yes I remember her always telling me n pushin me to never give up too.Got my GED bc of her,my job @ the phone co.On her 80th,goin into casino,she snapped @ me n said”U passed the test don’t u.i grateful for always knowing she loved me????Mary was Moms clone too????

  2. Cindy and Scott Brohammer on August 30, 2017 at 5:48 pm

    Ella absolutely lit up the room with her sparkle and grace and sweet and gentle humor. She was so easy, but spoke her mind. From the moment I met her I knew she was special. She was so loved by her family and you showed her what unconditional love was especially during her final years. She lives on in your hearts and loving memories. Peace to all who knew and loved her.

  3. Patty on August 31, 2017 at 8:25 am

    Good bye to my Elvis, she loved when I called her that. Ella was my neighbor and dear friend for 16 years. She was such a wonderful ,kind,soft spoken and oh so pretty. I have so many memories that I will keep in my heart for my lifetime of my special Ella Mae?? Every year we would watch the fireworks display at Jefferson Barracks out in front of the house and this past July 4th will mean the most to me we laughed and held hands the whole time. She was the first person to come to my house when my son Steven was born and always gave me advice when I needed it. She loved Steven so much and always said how handsome he will be when he grows up. Steven will miss you , he always asked if he could call Ella Mimi, like the twins do. He grew up with Savannah and Cheyenne they were like his sisters. Paula and Dave treated their Mother like a Queen that she was. I watched her son Dave take care of her for years,he was so caring and would kiss her and tell her how beautiful she is. It was so touching to see a son care for his Mother like he did. We will miss you Elvis!!! With love ,Mark, Patty & Stevie??????

  4. Audrey & Billy Batson on August 31, 2017 at 2:10 pm

    I am at loss for words about this beautiful and loving lady. It was such a shock when we found out about her passing!
    I thought there was still time for a gambling trip. We had some good times together. She was always so welcoming when we visited her from Poplar Bluff! We are all Irish. So she knew that we would always say yes to a beautifully presented Irish Coffee. Lol. We will miss her but always remember her strong and living spirit! God bless you Mimi!

  5. Jonathan Batson on August 31, 2017 at 2:49 pm

    Love you Mimi. All us kids learned a lot from you. Maybe a little too much, I have been called a smart ass a time or two…Ha! I am proud to have you as my grandma. The more I think about it I happened to pick a woman that has a lot of spunk and class just like you and Mom! You are forever engrained in our make up. Love you.

    – Jon and Cat

  6. Rebecca Schorman on August 31, 2017 at 6:34 pm

    I really can’t believe my memes gone. She filled my childhood with joy. I loved all the time I spent at her home. When I stayed with my meme she would get up and make me toast that she cut into fours with a cup of warm tea. Meme always made me feel like a princess….we had hundreds of tea parties where I got to play dress up with all her cloths….and I always thought meme had the best cloths ??…..we spent hours playing rummy, war, and Barbie’s…….but my favorite time was in the garden or at the park feeding the horses…..I loved my meme so much she always made me feel special…..Before meme started getting sick she brought me a statue of Mother Mary…..she wanted me to know how loved I was and to always be protected…..I wish my daughter Nora Memes first grandchild would have been able to have seen how truley amazing Meme was but at least meme was able to meet her once…..Meme helped shape who I am. She taught me how to be strong, elegant, and how to push yourself no matter what. I love you meme. Ill see you again one day.

  7. Dru Godfrey on September 1, 2017 at 8:54 am

    She was my sweet, precious, and spunky Aunt Ella.I admired her so much and wanted to grow up to be just like her and to look like her. She always told me that I did look like her to make me feel good.
    This is not goodbye, just “Until We Meet Again.” I Love You

  8. Nora Schorman on September 1, 2017 at 9:28 am

    meme you will be forever remembered
    your first born son Joseph Schorman
    your first born granddaughter
    Rebecca Schorman, your first born
    great granddaughter Nora Elizabeth
    and your beautiful granddaughter
    Meghan Schorman, loved you so very
    much their hearts are broken, until you meet again you, you are now there angel
    if only they would of had more time with you, why do we close our eyes when we pray, cry, kiss. dream
    Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen but felt only by heart.

  9. Caleb Batson on September 4, 2017 at 8:32 am

    I loved my Mimi very much. I believe that she is in a better place now with our mother, but she left this world a better place for all of us. Such a beautiful woman who was always the sharpest person in the room. Whether it be her gorgeous clothes or her quick wit; she would walk into a room and light it up. I will always remember how elegant she was even when she was in her little kitchen making us a quick lunch before we played cards. Aunt Paula, Uncle Ricky, and Mimi taught us how to play cards and that was always a catalyst to most of the great memories that we had. Still nobody will concede to how I have surpassed them with my winnings, but somehow my money jar is still the smallest ;). I love Mimi so much and I will never forget how she impacted our lives and the lessons she taught us. Rest In Peace, Mimi.

  10. Roberta Monson on September 7, 2017 at 2:43 pm

    I met Ellie over 30 years ago through her daughter whom I worked with over 25 years. She always made me feel welcome in her home. Through the years as her health diminished she was always in good spirits and had a smile on her face. My heart goes out to Paula and her family as I know she will be missed by all.

  11. Mary Beth Jamieson on September 8, 2017 at 10:50 am

    Ella Mae – she was definitely one of a kind. Her smile and her laugh are two things that come to mind when I think of her. She was a very important and supportive person in my life. She loved us girls as if we were her own. She will forever be a light in my heart along side Mary C. and many others. People think that when you lose someone that you love, that they leave a hole in your heart – there is a hole but mine is filled with this beautiful light that only they can fill. How blessed am I to have been able to be apart of her life. Peace my friend, until we meet again. xoxox’s Mary B.

  12. PAMELA STEINBECKER on September 15, 2017 at 11:36 am

    Ella: You have been a part of my life for 46 years. As I remember over the years, the words of wisdom you provided us girls. Listening, but too young to appreciate until later in our lives. Love your smile and witty personality. You will fore-ever have a place in my heart. It comforts me to know, you are with Mary. Hugs and kisses, until we meet again one day! Love Always……Pamela

  13. Meghan Schorman on May 20, 2019 at 9:35 pm

    Meme it has been a while since you have passed. I miss you more than words can describe. You were an amazing grandmother and even more amazing person. I wish you could have seen me grow up and watch me play softball in person and I just wish you could see all the things that i’m accomplishing! I know you can watch up in heaven but it’s just not that same. I will love you till the end of time meme. Until we meet again <3

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