Rose, Elizabeth Whalen photo

Emily Elizabeth Whalen Rose

Emily Elizabeth Whalen Rose July 29, 1939 – June 13, 2020. Emily was born in New York City to parents John Whalen and Elizabeth Fry Whalen. She graduated from High School in Jacksonville, FL in 1956. Married Herbert E, Rose in 1957, celebrating 63 years together this January. She passed away June 13th at the age of 80. Last year, she moved into Manor Grove from her home of 50 years in Kirkwood, Missouri. Emily was as a homemaker, a volunteer, Room Mother and Cub Scout Den Mother at Westchester Elementary School. She worked as a child care director at The Kirkwood United Methodist Church and at Chastain’s in Des Peres. She was a advocate for animal rights, she raised dogs as well as helping her family raise hamsters, reptiles and butterflies. Emily was known for her sense of humor, her love of cinema, trivia and crafts. She was a fan of crossword puzzles and games.She enjoyed Choir at KUMC and Kirkwood United Church of Christ. Emily is survived by her husband, Herbert E. Rose, her two sons, Timothy and Kenneth Rose and her two grandsons, Luca Rose and Traian Rose. She also had one brother, Dr. John Howard “Jack” Whalen, who passed in 2009.


  1. John and Carolyn Dyess on June 18, 2020 at 9:25 pm

    Dear Rose Family,
    We are so very sorry for the loss of Emily. This photo of her is so beautiful. We know she loved her family so much and was dedicated to you all. Please know our thoughts and prayers are with you as you grieve.
    John and Carolyn Dyess

  2. Marge Ibanez on June 24, 2020 at 12:26 am

    Dear Herb, Tim and Ken,
    You have my deepest sympathy. Ken, thanks for the email you sent to Kirkwood United Church of Christ. I Knew Emily from Women’s Fellowship and from my being Church Secretary for many years. I always admired the way Emily worked with the children and her craft making ability — especially puppets. I always thought she was very sweet and kind, and a true Christian. I didn’t know the majority of the information in the obituary, and am glad to know it. It sounds like she died peacefully, for which I am glad. We know where she is now, right? That’s comforting to me.

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