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Frederick L Tuttle and Bruce M Tuttle

A True Love Story

Frederick L Tuttle (5/21/1930 – 11/28/2020) and Bruce M Tuttle (12/14/1929 –
11/25/2020) died 3 days apart after spending nearly seventy years together. They
leave behind their children, grand children, great grand children and many
friends. Fred and Brucie were married on 6/11/1951 in Arlington Virginia. They
were active members of the St. Louis Ethical Society for over fifty years.
They only had to be apart for three days. It is poetic and beautiful that they died
so close together. They led their lives with conviction and bravery. Brucie was a
beautiful artist and the only person we know who could compete The New York
Times crossword in the Sunday edition. Fred trained astronauts on simulators he
programmed for McDonnell Douglass as part of the Gemini mission. Fred read
Harry Potter books to Brucie up to the end. They will be missed.





  1. Trish Cowan on March 25, 2021 at 8:52 pm

    I loved and admired Fred and Brucie so much. Truly authentic people with genuine smiles and ready, warm hugs. Thank you for sharing them with us. We will miss them at Ethical.

  2. Bradley Shaw on April 10, 2021 at 2:01 pm

    To the Tuttle family,

    I’m truly sorry for your loss. Fred was a great man and fantastic engineer and Brucie was a kind and caring lady. I worked with Fred on several R&D projects at MCAIR (STOL Demonstrator, Versatile Flight Control System) and learned alot from him. I remember his method of focus during meetings, he termed it free associating. With eyes closed you weren’t quite sure he was paying attention, then with great mastery he would ask the most pertinent question of the speaker or make the most pointed statement. Amazing! I still have my signed copy of his treatise on How to Design and Develop Flight Control Systems. Away from work, Fred and Brucie were a joy to be around. We had a nickname for Fred, “six sigma Fred”, because so many unusual things happened to him that ordinary people would not experience. Fred and Brucie were truly extraordinary and will be greatly missed. Rest in peace and love, Fred and Brucie!

    Brad and Kay Shaw

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