Fredric Raines
In Memoriam Fredric Quintero Raines
Emeritus Professor of Economics at Washington University in St Louis
11 August 1933 – 8 September 2019
Fred’s primary field of research was labor economics. After a three year stint as a staff economist working at the Council of Economic Advisors in Washington, D.C, Fred joined the faculty of Washington University, St Louis in 1965. He taught at Wash U for the rest of his academic career, until his retirement in 2007, with several sabbatical breaks as a Visiting Fellow at the University of Warwick in England.
Fred was married to Jean Raines (née Sereda) and they had one child, Donald, born in 1962. Although Jean and Fred later divorced they ended up still devoted to each other, especially in these last years. Sadly, Donald died in January of 2019, a death which affected both Jean and Fred deeply.
Fred was a dedicated campaigner for many progressive causes. He cared deeply about the plight of the disadvantaged and marginalized, and it was almost impossible to have a conversation with Fred about anything without the subject eventually turning to politics. He served for a number of years as Committeeman for the Green Party in the St Louis City 26th Ward and stood (unsuccessfully) as a Green Party candidate for the Board of Aldermen in 2015. Fred was for a long time Executive Director of the Greater St Louis branch of NORML, a national pressure group for the reform of marijuana laws. He was also a passionate advocate for reform of the criminal justice system, which Fred argued was provably biased against African Americans. And he was involved with work to secure better rights and educational provision for Native Americans.
Before his final illness, Fred had filled in a Five Wishes living will. In the section headed If anyone asks how I want to be remembered, please say the following about me: Fred wrote, “They should think about me any way they choose. My long time view is that if humans do not find a way to redress the growing income and socio-economic inequality, it will destroy civilization – and likely before climate change. I wish I had done more, or had been more effective.”
Fred was an extraordinary man. We loved him and we will miss him.
Jean Raines,
Bill & Gisela Raines,
Miriam Raines, Thomas Raines
Anya Bass
Should anyone wish to make a donation in memory of Fred, please consider the American Indian College Fund, https://collegefund.org
My cousin Fred was a lifelong influence and support to me and I miss him beyond words. I share many of his political views and enjoyed our lengthy conversations. He was there for me as an adolescent, college student, and adult . Fred even walked me down the isle when I married. Later in life he was a support and always there to discuss what we would regard as important issues. On a personal level, Fred had impeccable integrity while always being kind.
So farewell Fred, you earnest positive champion of righteousness. It was a pleasure to know you and I trust you now rest in peace.
Arthur Horvath Farewell Fred, Rest in Peace
I enjoyed talking with Fred. He was interesting and engaged. We laughed about sharing birthdate and the Flintstones.
I miss him.
I am so sorry to learn that Prof. Raines has passed. We met him at Occupy St. Louis in 2011. His passion for the underprivileged and underserved was glorious. He helped us with presenting economic info to the campers and protesters. His was an amazing soul. Perhaps the seeds that he sowed in those days will take root one day. It was an honor to have known him, however briefly.
I’m sorry to have stumbled onto this page in my search for childhood classmate Don Raines. Before leaving St. Louis in 1974, Donny and I had turned our attention to building a humanoid robot — him the insides, and me the shell. So, he occurred to me in light of that field’s current prominence, thinking he must be leading it 😉 I was unaware of his passing, and sorry that he’s not around to witness the advancements.
So much that was cool about my childhood is traced to Donny, and to his wonderful parents. I thought of Jean as a second mother to me, having spent more after school time with her than with my own who was working. Coincidentally, Mom passed in January 2019 in St. Louis, too. I had been visiting 1-2 times monthly for awhile, and I’m sorry to have missed the chance to reconnect with Donny and family.
This being a page about Fred, I’m surprised not to see mention of his extensive reel-to-reel collection of old radio shows like Edgar Bergen, Jack Benny, and Monty Python, hours upon hours of which Donny and I poured through after school. And I assume that Fred was an early adopter of computers, having visited him with Donny at Wash U’s computer, back when it occupied the entire oversized room and ate punch cards. For some reason, we spent a week one summer with Fred at a townhouse in Georgetown D.C. while he worked in town… As I said, a lot of cool stuff about my childhood, especially considering that was the early 1970’s.
My sympathies and best wishes to the Raines family.