St. Louis Cremation - GMiddleton

George Edward Middleton

George Edward Middleton was called home by the Lord on May 4, 2015; he was 88 years old. He is survived by his loving wife Phyllis Harris Middleton, his four children, son James and wife Twilla, daughter Dana Klemp and husband Dennis, son Craig Middleton, daughter Jennifer Barkey and husband Brett, two step-children Philip Beck and Tammara Guterman, eight grandchildren, and four great- grandchildren.

Starting as a West Texas cowboy, George was very proud of the 3 years he spent in the Navy during World War II and two more years during the Korean Conflict attaining the rank of 2nd Class Petty Officer and spent most of his time in the Pacific.

After his time in the Pacific, he came home and went to the University of Wichita for 3 years as a Business Major. He then worked his way to MacDonald Douglas where he ended up an Electrical Engineer in charge of the white room for the Gemini Space Capsule Project.

George was a fun loving, devil may care individual who treasured family and friends. He was a loyal friend and a formidable foe. He made and lost fortunes but never laughed when he won nor cried when he lost. He had many passions including work, golf, car racing, and horses.

In business he worked hard at everything he did and had a good measure of success. He founded Pizza Hut of St. Louis which he built up to 67 units before selling out to Pizza Hut Inc. Some might say that it was his effort to help the franchises control their cost that lead to the formation of the International Pizza Hut Franchise Holders Association.

In golf, when he was younger he was a scratch golfer, but later in life, he built or rebuilt golf courses. He was partners in some but owned four of his own, Houston and Austin in Texas, Indianapolis, Indiana, and another near Notre Dame University. He once said, “I am the only guy in the world that could own golf courses in four separate regions and it be raining at all four on Saturday.” All the time he spent in St. Louis, he was a strong supporter of The PGA of St. Louis and the original underwriter of Boy’s Hope Golf Charities of St. Louis.

In car racing, he started in Midgets as a car owner while in the pizza business and raced all over the United States with many victories and championships. He then bought a Champ Car (that’s the old style Indy Cars) where, as a car owner, he became a two time U.S.A.C. World Champion.

His sale of Pizza Hut of St. Louis funded his foray into the horse business where he raised and raced both quarter horses and thoroughbreds at his horse farm in Southeastern Missouri for the rest of his life.

He was extremely proud to be a 44 year Master Mason, a 32nd degree Scottish Rite Mason, and a member and strong supporter of Marble Creek Baptist Church.

George Middleton made a huge footprint in the lives of a vast array of people from all walks of life. He was loved and will be missed by many. There will be a small Memorial Service for the family and a few close friends.

Yes, the branding days are over

And the roping days are done,

And a cowboy rides to heaven

The grand prize he has won.

God Bless All


  1. Christy Eunpu on June 22, 2015 at 7:34 pm

    I am sorry to the Middleton family for you loss. George was a wonderful man, great boss and good friend. I was privileged to know him. I pray God’s blessings and comfort for all of you on your loss.

  2. Larry Griffiths on October 11, 2015 at 9:40 am

    Rest in peace old friend, The Checkered Flag has been waved.

  3. Larry Griffiths on October 12, 2015 at 8:31 am

    Rest In Peace Old Friend, The Checkered Flag Has Waved.

  4. Don Figler on October 13, 2015 at 3:02 pm

    Always a fun guy to have around George will be missed. May he rest in peace.

  5. Gordon Benny on October 15, 2015 at 1:47 am

    I only had one conversation with George & I will never forget it. He was so inspirational.

  6. Glenn Wilcoxen on October 21, 2015 at 7:20 am

    I was blessed to visit with George on two occasions. Both were long (over an hour) and I learned a lot from him each time. He inspired me greatly. May God comfort you in this time of sadness. Glenn

  7. Rosemary and Roger West on October 23, 2015 at 7:55 pm

    George has always been near and dear to Us and the fond memories of our racing trips will last forever! We had incredible times and many good laughs that we will never forget ! We can remember his
    Infectious laugh and smile !
    We have awesome pictures of the “famous” 15 Pizza Hut Special… !
    George’s wonderful “gift of friendship”
    Will live forever in our hearts!
    Rest in peace good buddy….. And know you made a difference in our lives and anyone you meet! Rog and Rose West

  8. Tim Delrose on October 23, 2015 at 8:07 pm

    Great memories in Daytona lndy an on the road rest in peace God bless good friend . Tim Delrose

  9. Michael allen on November 9, 2015 at 7:10 pm

    He was a great friend and employer I will miss him he always had good thing to say about someone no matter what station in life they were:-)

  10. Donna Kolb on July 21, 2016 at 4:25 pm

    I just found out that George passed away. I’ve been thinking of him a lot and all the memories at Pizza Hut. I worked for George for many, many years and each day was exciting.

    I am so sorry for your loss. He definitely left his footprint in my life!

  11. Ken Daniels on November 19, 2017 at 1:36 am

    My condolence to the Middleton Family…
    I was a former General Manager for Pizza Hut from 1983- 1988. I was also featured in a TV Commercial in 1985 with the kshe 95 mascot Savage Shades… Again my condolence to the entire family… Hello Craig…

    Ken Daniels

  12. Kristy Fletcher on March 6, 2018 at 3:47 pm

    RIP. You will forever be missed. My condolences to his family, it’s always sad when someone loses their life. Luv ya,man!
    🙁 ;^; :`(

  13. Sophia Beck on October 6, 2018 at 8:35 pm

    My Grandfather was a great man, he impacted so many people. Even if that where rich or poor, he made sure to brighten their day. And seeing all the wonderful comments about him and how he help so many people. It helps heal the loss and the breaking in life that he had taken. It has only been tree years since he left, and I do hope he is proud of me…

  14. Jann K. Jones on November 24, 2020 at 10:39 am

    I am very honored to say I knew Mr Middleton… I trained BOMBAY NATIVE for him.. He was the most gracious Man I ever met.. I still have a nice pair of Boots, he had made for me… May GOD Bless You and Your Family. .

  15. Caroline Patrick (BorNei) on September 23, 2024 at 10:42 pm

    Sending condolences to my friend Phyllis and hope this message finds her. I was her art teacher during her years in Willcox,AZ .
    I miss our great conversations and sorry I didn’t get to meet her husband George.
    Contact me on Facebook please. I came across a photo of you in class this week.
    Caroline Patrick BorNei

  16. Derek Bryant on January 21, 2025 at 8:00 pm

    George was a long-time friend of my father. We played a lot of golf together and I loved riding in the cart with George. I had a front row seat to all the great stories and his generous nature. Fond fond memories. My condolences to the family.

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