St. Louis Cremation

Gladys Swatek

St. Louis Cremation SwatekGladys Lewis Swatek passed away on Sunday, June 26th, at 5am at the age of 94. A daughter, sister, and wife; a mother, grandmother, and great-grandmother; a lifelong friend, and an independent woman. A child of the roaring 20s, a teen of the depression, a young woman in a defense factory during World War 2. She was known world wide as a writer of letters and a traveler of a different sort, cruising freighters instead of passenger liners. A volunteer at schools, an office assistant at libraries and colleges, she worked into her 70s. She stayed active throughout her life, as a recreational skater, bicyclist, ping pong player, and competitor in many events at senior olympics, and was quite proud to be a toe toucher at the age of 94. A self taught gourmet cook, she abhorred bad food but loved a good pizza. She was a dedicated geneologist and raconteur of stories from decades gone by; in her last days she could still brighten the room with her smile and the twinkle in her eyes. She will be missed more than she knew.

At her request, no services will be held.


  1. Madonna swatek waeltermann on September 29, 2016 at 5:03 pm

    Gladys was always generous and good to me as a teenager, a sister-in-law, and a friend. I am sorry we didn’t stay in touch. Be at peace Gladys. Affectionately, Donna.

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