Glendine Mildred Noblin

Glendine Mildred Noblin (Vandivor) passed away peacefully in her home of Bismarck, Mo. on Monday, January 3, 2022.

She is survived by her four sons Thomas, Terry(Beth), Robert(Cindy), David(Stephanie), 10 grandchildren and eight great grandchildren and She was one of 8 siblings, with one survived and 6 deceased.

Growing up Glendine was an all around country girl, loved sports like basketball and helped work at the family store. She met the love of her life Bruce T. Noblin and they were married July 4th, 1946 where they lived a long happy and prosperous marriage for 60 years until he passed in 2006.

Glendine’s life was filled by love for her family, being the best wife mother and grandma she could be; and you could always find her outside soaking up the sun on her porch swing or rummage-saling around the neighborhood with her friends and granddaughters or inside cooking and baking delicious meals and chocolate chip cookies.

May she rest pleasantly as she is reunited with her late husband.

Glendine will be missed by so many but will stay alive in the hearts of her loved ones forever.



  1. Bob Noblin on January 10, 2022 at 1:27 pm

    Love you Mom, you will be missed. You were always there for us! Tell Dad and Josh hi!!

  2. Tommie Darrell Vandivor on January 10, 2022 at 1:40 pm

    RIP Aunt Glendene. You and Uncle Bruce were so good to me, and to my brothers and sisters. You have always been in my heart and I am so sorry I didn’t not visit you more often. You will always have a place in my heart.

  3. Nancy Prewitt on January 10, 2022 at 2:50 pm

    I’ve known you all my life. We had really good times together. You lived a long good Christian life. Always looked up to you with admiration. Will truly miss you. God bless your boys and their families.

  4. Mike Noblin on January 10, 2022 at 4:09 pm

    RIP sweet lady! Heavens splendor abounds you! Hugs and love from the Montana Noblin’s. Tyrells youngest son. Prayers for healing to all family. Mike&Sheila Noblin

  5. Dave and Alison on January 11, 2022 at 12:34 am

    Though I was not fortunate enough to have met your mother Bob Noblin, you must be your mothers proof of her good life and I shall use Gods Word to describe my first hand experience with her son Bob “Job well done good and faithful one”
    Rest now as the fruit of your labors lives on through the gift you leave to each of us, your family.

  6. Beth Noblin on January 11, 2022 at 11:47 am

    You are always in my heart ….

    We miss you mom .

    Terry & Beth 💕

  7. Lydia Shelley on January 12, 2022 at 6:37 pm

    Sorry to you Bob and family. I’d like to reiterate what Allison and David wrote. You are proof that she was a wonderful mother.

  8. Roy L. Thomas Jr. on July 6, 2022 at 1:07 pm

    So sorry to just now see this. She was such a sweet woman and funny too. I always thought she looked most like her mother than any of the other siblings. I will never forget all of the good times when I was 12 and got to stay with her, Bruce and the boys in the summer of 1978.

    Roy Jr.

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