St. Louis Cremation

Glennon Kieffer

St. Louis Cremation Glennon KiefferGLENNON JOSEPH KIEFFER: May 1, 1952 – January 28, 2015. Beloved son of Alphonse and Ova Karleskint Kieffer. Dearest Brother to Connie Cox and Debbie Epperson, Bill. Brother in law to John Cox (Deceased) and Randy Epperson. A Very Special and Loving Uncle to Matt Kieffer (Marcela), Erin Cox, Katie DeVoe (TJ), Brian Cox and Brad Epperson. Great Uncle to Libby Cox and Luna Kieffer. Neighbor and Friend too many.

Glen treasured his family and friends more than life itself and always held them close to his heart. Glen’s family was part of him and he part of them. Glen never found the simple life he strived for in big cities but was always happy, content and at peace on the farm he held so dear.

Those that knew and loved Glen, can look at his property and feel his presence and his dreams. As Glen’s family and friends, we shared countless stories around blazing fires under stars in a clear sky from his hilltop paradise. We now look to that sky at night and remember the stories and memories made. Glen will be always be remembered and held close to our hearts. We will know that we were the lucky people that knew such a special person, our very special and wonderful Glen/ Uncle Glen!

Life’s lessons are not always found in a book, they are often taught by the examples of others in our lives. If you’re lucky, you get to meet a special person who can teach you the love of “living life the simple way”. Glen was that person and will never be far from your thoughts. We will think of him always and when we gaze into the sky…..He will be there.


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520 South Hope ST

Jackson, MO 63755


  1. Judy Wall on January 29, 2015 at 5:54 pm

    I have many great memories of Glenn from my childhood on. I remember eating the sugar cubes from the structure he was building at the house in Webster. He was always so gentle and caring and interested in what you were up to. So sorry for all the family, i know how missed he will be……

  2. Mark Preuss on January 29, 2015 at 8:10 pm

    Glen and I shred many a wonderful time at the farm and many phone conversations. We enjoyed the same things, the simple life, family & history. How we loved to talk about the old folks, our parents, uncles & aunts. He was one of the very few “best” friends I ever had. I will miss you my friend.

  3. Mary Lou Preuss Bowler on January 30, 2015 at 4:12 pm

    Glen was born a month after I was-and he never let me forget that I was older! I remember being the only girl at one of his birthday parties when we were little. We were buddies from the start. He came to one of my parties, too, and I believe I still have a picture he drew of airplanes.
    Marvin & I were also blessed to spend a little time with him at the farm. He cooked for us & I baked cookies & cleaned for him. He even asked Marvin & I to play & sing a couple songs at his church a couple of years ago. That was very special for me. We continued to send each other cards or call for our birthdays. I can’t believe he’s gone & will miss him greatly.

  4. Greg Preuss on January 30, 2015 at 9:09 pm

    Glenn was an awesome cousin and no one was remotely like him. I took him on a business trip some years ago where we drove to Louisiana and we had such a great time. We talked and laughed the whole time. He had such an entrepreneurial mind, we talked about all kinds of business ideas and had a plan in mind to start a business bringing up fresh seafood from the gulf by the time we got back home. We never did it but it was fun talking it out. He will be so missed, I regret not spending more time with him in the last few years. His passing represents the end of an era for me.

  5. Steve & Deb Strader Family on January 31, 2015 at 6:15 am

    Dear Debbie,Connie,Matt, Katie & Families.
    Our hearts are broken for your loss. Glen made special trips to Danville to show love and support to all us here. We will remember Glen by stories of the outdoors and homested he kept and lifestyle he cherished and we admired his spirit. We pray for your strength at this time of loss.

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