Hazel Jane Moore

Born in St. Louis, MO on April 18, 1921, H. Jane Moore passed away May 25, 2021 at 100 years young.

She was preceded in death by her mother at the young age of 14, her dad, one brother, two sons, and her husband, Leroy J. Moore.

She was a sister to 2 brothers, sister-in-law, aunt, mother of 13, grandma of 28, great-grandma of 67, great-great-grandma of 6, and friend to many.

She was a homemaker for many years while her children were little. Then, she went to work at Bussman Fuse Co. until retirement.

We were blessed to have her in our lives for so many years. She loved having company, playing cards, going to the Muny, traveling, and her dogs. We will carry her in our hearts until we meet again.

Graveside service at Resurrection Cemetery, Tuesday, June 1st at 11am.


  1. Connie Desina on May 28, 2021 at 5:35 pm

    You will be missed by so many Jane. Rest in piece.

  2. Cindy Mersinger on May 28, 2021 at 9:21 pm

    What can I say. Mom was the strongest and most independent person I knew. She was loved by many
    I have to remember the wonderful memories I have of her and there are many. Because no words can comfort me at this time.
    Love you mom, till we meet again Cindy

  3. Bridgett Hager on May 28, 2021 at 11:24 pm

    To the greatest Mom ever,

    My love for you runs deep, staying with you that last week was one Cindy and I will always hold dear to our hearts. The love we showed you and your love you returned will forever be in my heart.
    I truly believe you brought our family back together again, we all shared your love that last week and got to all spend time with you, just like old times on Sunday nights. We laughed and cried and held you tight, you could feel the love in the house with all the family including the love for and from the outlaws. I know you were watching all of us, and I know you were feeling very blessed with all the love we shared with you.
    Loving you forever,
    Your baby girl,

  4. Mary Alvis Huch on May 29, 2021 at 9:40 am

    My heartfelt sympathy to all the Family. I was blessed to be part of Jane’s life as a neighbor and friend from the early 1950’s thru the present. Although I didn’t see her often, she was part of my extended Family. Until we meet again dear friend.

  5. Kerry Meuren on May 29, 2021 at 10:01 am

    To the strongest woman and most loved and those final days were proof of how much you were loved.
    It felt good that the family was all there for
    Her which is always what she wanted all at her house. Mom I miss you already and you were the best mom❤❤

  6. Janet & Ron Weiskopf on May 29, 2021 at 10:53 am

    We are so sorry for your loss. Jane was a sweet lady that was loved & will be missed by all. All of your family are in our thoughts & prayers. Moms hold such special places in our hearts but remember your most loving & fun times with her. Hugs to each of family. Janet & Ron

  7. Marilyn Farabee on May 30, 2021 at 1:55 am

    Wish I knew you. You were my neighbor Cary-corner down the street. You must have enjoyed this world greatly to live 100 years! What a beautiful legacy you leave behind. Deepest sympathy Cindy, and your whole fanily

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