Inge Bock Phillips
Born on October 27, 1934 and she passed August 20, 2019, Inge Phillips was an extraordinary artist. Her canvas was her kitchen. Every evening when we were growing up she to amazed us with some creative variation of something that she read in a cookbook. She didn’t toot her horn about it, she preferred to let you taste her good work rather than impress you with her words.
Speaking to my mom now I would say: Mom, we know that life is a series of choices. We are glad that you chose to work so hard to feed your family with such zing.
She was born in Meadville, Pennsylvania where her dad Kurt worked as a welder. Sophie his wife had worked on her family’s farm since a girl, so when Kurt got a chance to work at the Philadelphia Naval Yard, he jumped at the chance to move to Woodbury. New Jersey is the garden state and there is lots of land for growing.
A 1952 graduate of Woodbury High School she played the sax, and was busy with a church youth group where she met our dad.
Although she majored in journalism from Glassboro State, graduating later in life, for work she chose to make food for those who needed comforting. She primarily cooked for people who are senior citizens or in need of healing.
She dedicated her life to metaphysical healing as a member of the Christian Science Church in Boston, Massachusetts, and the local branch in Ladue, as well as Lake Forest, IL, Woodbury and Vineland, New Jersey.
She also owned a daycare center, attained the highest level at the Eastern Star, and traveled to many countries in Europe. She was fluent in German, taught by her mom Sophie.
And best of all, she had a wonderful infectious laugh. She could burst into laughter at anytime of the day, and she had a great singing voice!
She is survived by Amy, Jack and Carl and Catherine, Kristen, Virginia, Nathan, Jacob, Peter, Sarah and Felix the Cat.
She will join her husband Jack, and our brothers Greg and Wayne in their journeys. So it should be a happy reunion.
We are so grateful to have had you as our mommie —-Inge, and we wish you a full and happy journey.
Love you mommie.