
Jamahl Michael Thomas

Jamahl Michael Thomas passed away at St. Louis University Hospital on April 7, 2024 at 8:04 am.

He was born on February 1, 1983, in St. Louis, MO to John and Linda Thomas.

Jamahl was raised on the West Side and graduated Clayton High in 2002.

He loved music, something he acquired from his father, John. He listened to everything from DMX to Stevie Nicks. He worked at Music City Center in Nashville, TN prior to the congestive heart failure in 2019. He loved sports, Basketball was his favorite. Michael Jordan his idol and Jordan’s were all he wore. He loved Imo’s pizza and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Reese Peanut Butter Cups. Fall was his favorite time of the year and Halloween his favorite holiday.

Jamahl was a very kind hearted and loving man, a child at heart. He will be missed dearly by all who knew and loved him.

He leaves to cherish his memories, his three children Jamahl, Jamaiah and Jalyn Thomas, his life partner April Wideman, his parents John and Linda Thomas, his sister Starrlita Deann Carouthers, his nephew and niece Makhi and Lyric Carouthers and uncles, aunts, cousins and friends. He was preceded in death by his grandma Martha Kelly.

Jamahl will be cremated then interned in High Point Cemetery, west of Montgomery City, MO on the Vincent family plot.



  1. Andrew Shapiro on April 23, 2024 at 1:04 pm

    Sending all the love to his family as Jamahl was once a dear friend – I know he is dearly missed.

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