St. Louis Cremation

James K. Korte, Jr.


James Karl Korte, Jr, 57 of Granite City Illinois, formerly of Hillsboro MO, died November 13, 2016.

Born December 14, 1958 in St. Louis, he was the son of Nancy (Bolton) Korte and the late James Karl Korte.

He is survived by his partner Carol Fletcher, a sister Lorie (Gary) Hoven and brother Robert Korte (Wendi), nieces Ashley (Jacob) Holtzmann, Kari Hoven, nephews Gary (Abi) Hoven, Jr. and Robert Korte, Jr.


  1. Tim Nichols on November 19, 2016 at 7:59 pm

    From the Nichols Family
    Our thoughts & prayers go out to the Korte family in this time of mourning. I count myself very blessed to have known Jim and his family. Many great memories in my early years.
    Heres a few

    Miss Nancy
    Rat the cat
    The geese
    69 Z28 (man she was a big block killer)
    66 olds 442 (sleeper)
    49 fords
    50 merc convertible
    LS6 Chevelle convertible (changed lanes without notice)
    65 olds f85
    Jims Valiants…he loved those little cars
    pit passes at Lake Hill Speedway
    truck/tractor pulls at the checkerdome
    Swap meets At Speedway Indiana
    Bobby showing me how to get to the top of the hill on his RM 125 in Flat River
    Too many to list.

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