St. Louis Cremation

Jerome D. (Jerry) Brueckner

Jerome D. (Jerry) Brueckner

Born January 25, 1943 St. Louis, MO.
Died February 24, 2022 at Home Beloved husband of JoAnn (Thompson) for 53 years.

Dear father of Kelly Sutter (Mike)
Dear grandfather to Kimberly Schill (Eric), Jamie Wisdom (Andrew) and Erin Sutter. Dear great-grandfather to Aidan Sutter, Mason Wisdom and Trevor Wisdom. Brother to Greg (Vivian), Ron (Leah) and Mike. Dear Uncle, great uncle and great-great uncle and the best friend you could ever of life Have in your life. A celebration of life will be held in St. Louis on April 2 and in July at Table Rock Lake. Jerry donated his body to the St. Louis University School of Medicine.


  1. Debbie and Lloyd Schill on March 3, 2022 at 3:53 pm

    We new Jerry for a short period of time, but he was a loving and caring person. You will be missed Jerry, but you will always be in our thoughts and in our prayers. We appreciate your love and kindness to our son, Eric, Kimberly and Aidan.

  2. Mel Tolentino on March 5, 2022 at 7:07 pm

    I’ve known Jerry and Joann for many years at Big Bear Resort. Jerry was a very sweet gentle man who always had time to visit. He will be dearly missed by his Big Bear community friends. May he Rest In Peace.

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