J Sheridan Photo 2

John (Jack) Joseph Sheridan, M.D.

Sheridan, John (Jack) Joseph, of Kirkwood, Missouri, and a long-time resident of Webster Groves, Missouri, passed away on April 11, 2020 at the age of 77. He is preceded in death by his wife Nancy Jo Sheridan (Daume) and survived by his children Patrick Sheridan (Joanie) of Kirkwood, MO, and Andrew Sheridan (Jennie) of Marblehead, MA, and 7 grandchildren, Bridget, Meghan, Molly, Matthew (Patrick and Joanie Sheridan), Maggie, John, and Annie (Andrew and Jennie Sheridan).

Jack was born on February 25, 1943, in St. Louis, MO, to Edmund Sheridan and Edith (Perry) Sheridan. He was a graduate of St. Louis University High School and received a Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Notre Dame and an MD from Washington University. A gifted orthopedic surgeon who loved to share his experience with others, Jack’s passion was his work through Shriner’s Hospital for Children and his extensive volunteer efforts both at home with Boys Hope Girls Hope and abroad with medical mission trips to Belize. He was an avid golfer and loved being outside fishing, hunting or camping.

Arrangements are being considered for a later date. In lieu of flowers, the family requests contributions in his honor be made to St. Louis University High School or Shriner’s Hospital for Children.


  1. Janelle Criscione on April 17, 2020 at 2:19 pm

    Jack, it has not always been an easy journey for you. I will keep close to my heart all the wonderful & generous things you did.
    Remembering all the children you made better with gift of surgery. You have reached your destination, now may you find the peace you need. Miss you, my friend & long time neighbor.
    Janelle Criscione

  2. Rick Meyers on April 17, 2020 at 9:23 pm

    Lost a great friend. We had so much fun learning together as residents and stayed close to Jack, Nancy, Patrick and Andrew over the years. Sailing trips, trips to Nags Head and to Florida. I miss them.

  3. Perry and Sally Schoenecker on April 17, 2020 at 10:04 pm

    Sally and I have also lost a great professional colleague and friend. Jack worked so effectively with all the medical staff of the St Louis Shriners Hospital in striving to provide the best of care for children with often very severe musculoskeletal deformities. Jack was one of our most skilled surgeons, making all effort to assure that our care of each and every patient was state of the art. He encouraged all us in our mission of excellence.
    Of particular interest to Jack was care for patients in the country of Belize where he worked with the Rotarians in establishing an extensive clinic system of in country assessment of musculoskeletal pathology. Jack annually traveled to Belize, evaluating so many younger patients who were then transported to St Louis by the Rotarians for definitive orthopedic surgery. His success in working with us as surgeons at the Shrine Hospital was key in assuring that hundreds of patients received corrective reconstructive surgery of often very challenging problems. As an outcome, patients returned to Belize often with a life long improvement in the quality of living. The Belizean Children’s Project enjoys today the enviable success as an exemplary humanitarian outreach program, so much of this success attributable to Jack Sheridan’s ongoing professional/humanitarian efforts
    Sally and I will miss Jack—–

  4. Patty Johnson on April 19, 2020 at 8:11 pm

    We sure enjoyed getting to know him years ago through projects he was working on with Pat, or while visiting with his kids and grandkids. We also enjoyed family time, swimming at the pool on hot summer days! Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.

  5. Deanna Stika on April 21, 2020 at 9:38 pm

    Dr.Sheridan was a man with a big heart. I used to work with him at MidCounty Orthopaedics. He always made the staff laugh. He was there to lend a hand to anyone in need. He will be missed by many.

  6. Chris and Anne Eschbacher Chivetta on April 23, 2020 at 2:43 pm

    Patrick and Andrew, you have our deepest sympathies. I think fondly of our time together in Webster. Your parents were such good friends and neighbors to my parents and to all of us Eschbachers! We will miss them both!

  7. Michael and Lisa Eschbacher on April 25, 2020 at 2:22 pm

    We are praying for your dad and the entire Sheridan family. Your mom and dad were great neighbors and will be missed.

  8. Harrison Pierce, M.D. on May 9, 2020 at 4:43 pm

    4/21/20 I just found out today of Jack’s untimely (always) passing. We were very good friends in college. Jack was not only an outstanding student, but also a humble unassuming person. I’m sorry that our occupations, even though there was overlap, or geography interfered with us continuing our friendship and losing communication. I’m a pediatrician so I have incredible respect for Jack and what he did for all the children. All the accolades from his orthopedic colleagues, his medical missionary trips to Belize and surgery on behalf of the handicapped children are a testimony to the person that he was. I will miss him, have fond memories and remember him in my prayers at the Grotto at the University of Notre Dame. May he deservingly rest in the peace and love of the Lord. Harrison Pierce, M.D.

  9. Allen Palmquist on May 10, 2020 at 11:36 am

    I miss my dear friend, Jack who came into my life shortly after my father passed ten years ago.
    Jack always had a twinkle in his eye and a witty comment to share.
    He taught me a lot and I count myself fortunate for having known him.
    Prayers for him, Nancy and their children and grandchildren.

  10. Matt Evers on March 1, 2021 at 9:51 am

    To the Sheridan Family sorry for your loss. Your Dad performed surgery on my back that allowed me to return to work doing physical labor for another 24 years. Also, he fixed my trigger thumb. Most of all he made me comfortable in my rehab, and had a bedside manner that can’t be taught in medical school.

  11. Barbie Kline on April 7, 2021 at 11:42 am

    I just found out today from my new orthopedic surgeon about Jack’s passing. He will be truly missed I know this because I was a patient of his for over 21 years and his knowledge and compassion will be forever missed what a great guy he was! My sympathy and sorrow goes to his family, but know this, he has earned his place in Heaven!

  12. Louigi Wayne Turton on July 15, 2023 at 5:09 pm

    I was one of his first club feet corrections from Belize. I always grasped the opportunity to se him whenever he visited! I play with my 2 year old grandson because he made it possible. Such an amazing human being.

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