John Wellman

John Christopher Wellman passed away peacefully on May 28, 2021 at Select Speciality Hospital in St. Charles, Missouri.

Johnny had a kind heart and a great sense of humor. Johnny was passionate about the Saint Louis Cardinal, cars, and his beloved dog Kramer. Johnny graduated from Sikeston Senior High School in 1989. He studied at the University of Southeast Missouri and attained a Bachelors degree in Mass Communication and Advertising in 1995. He received his Masters Degree in Business Administration and Management from Webster University in 2007. He worked as a Business Development Manager at Intelliteach/ Frontline Managed Services in St. Louis for many years.

John was born on May 6, 1971 to John and Alice (Goodpaster) Wellman, who preceded him in death.

John is survived by five sisters, Cindy (Dexter) Drerup, Beth Daniels, Jane Capshaw, Sue Myracle, and Sherry Partin, seven nieces, four nephews, and 7 great nieces and nephews.

The family would like to thank the SHS Class of 1989 for all the love and support you have provided during his illness.


  1. Steve Fair on June 1, 2021 at 12:19 pm

    I wrote this in 1994 for my mother and others that were fighting cancer. I offer it now for Johnny.

    I go where I am sent regardless of the cost though oftentimes I feel as if I must be lost.
    This lost and lonely feeling which washes over me is not unlike a fog that makes it hard to see.

    But I must forge ahead
    Into the deep dark night though rapidly the fog obscures much needed light. I feel my body tense as fear begins to grow because I cannot see to where this trip shall go.

    The creatures of the night attempt to take my life or in the very least cause me constant strife. I fight the best I can but tired my body grows for all I seem to do is keep in check my foes.

    I never seem to make much headway in this war for when I strike one down there always stands one more. Onward they keep coming to take a swing at me until my strength is gone or so it seems to be.

    I stumble to the ground and cast my sword aside as I surrender to their overwhelming tide. But then a brilliant light my weary eyes behold and I am filled with awe at what I see unfold.

    It gathers up the fog and casts it far away so that which once was dark is now as bright as day. In clarity my eyes about me look around and with a thankful heart in joy do I abound.

    For I can see the foes once hidden from my eyes-the creatures of the night have lost their dark disguise. And though I still must face these creatures that remain, I know that I have help to see me through the pain.

    Yes standing at my side are ones that I hold dear-the family and friends who help me tame my fear. They help me face the foes I battle on my own but knowing that they’re there I know I’m not alone.

    And though I do not know if I will win this fight I know that I am loved and that makes all alright. For matter does it not if ages do you live if just an ounce of love to you no one will give.

    I stop to give God thanks for all the love he hath when he shone down for me a light unto my path. And so I take my sword and rise to fight once more and should they strike me down, with God my soul will soar.

    Johnny was loved so much by so many and he fought with all he had. He fought the good fight and now he can rest.

    Keep soaring Johnny.

  2. LaDonna Crest on June 1, 2021 at 1:02 pm

    Unique souls like Jonny coke along only once in a lifetime. Even at his worst in the last few years he managed to make me laugh and to give me advice for the future! I was so sad to see him in so much pain and can find peace knowing he is free and clear of it now praise be to God!

  3. Jody Ditto on June 1, 2021 at 4:15 pm

    What a beautiful tribute! Sherry, my heart goes out to you and your family.

  4. Patti Kineman on June 1, 2021 at 6:27 pm

    Sherry, I am so sorry to read of Johnny’s passing. You and your family are in my prayers.

  5. Rick Daniels on June 5, 2021 at 7:48 pm

    I love you Johnny I will miss you everyday . My brother. My friend
    Soon we will all be at the table again. Tell John and Alice Hi.

  6. Rick Daniels on June 5, 2021 at 7:48 pm

    I love you Johnny I will miss you everyday . My brother. My friend
    Soon we will all be at the table again. Tell John and Alice Hi. Rick

  7. Linda and Art Guenzburger on June 5, 2021 at 9:40 pm

    Our hearts are hurting for the family. Johnny meant a lot to us and so did his Mother Alice. She reminded me so much of my Mother. Johnny is with her now. Rest In Peace Johnny. You will always and forever be in our hearts.

  8. Vicky Mueller on June 5, 2021 at 11:34 pm

    Johnny we will miss you! Your huge heart, that huge bellowing laugh we could hear across the office and of course your kind heart. I cannot believe i’m having to give a tribute to you, my friend, you are too young! This is so hard. Prayers to a safe transition to meet up with Kramer and all your loved ones. I will miss you!

  9. Dorise Beck on June 9, 2021 at 3:30 pm

    Johnny!!! We will miss you! Lots of fun and laughter working with you! GOD Bless!

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