St. Louis Cremation

Joseph Anselmo

060Joseph Anselmo

April 16th, 1926 – September 18th, 2014

Dad was born during a difficult era in American history. The son of a widowed mother (Mary) and brother of his beloved brothers (broth) John and Gene. In the absence of his deceased Father (Joseph) Dad was raised by two of the most influential women in his life; his Mother and her sister “Aunt Frankie”. Together they pointed Dad in the direction of success. Dad always mentioned the importance of “The Family”, of course this was the most important lesson provided by his Mom and Aunt.

As a result Dad met and married his wife Gertrude and remained committed to their vocation of marriage for fifty plus years. Together they successfully raised their children Tony, Joe, and Nancy. Mom and Dad always reminded us to give them grandchildren and keep the name alive. They absolutely cherished and loved Greg, Gene, Tony, Joseph, John, Madalyn, Sal Randazzo great grandson Lucas, daughter Megan (Joseph’s wife) and Daughter Kim Anselmo (Joe’s wife). Joe and Gert always provided parental love and leadership.

Dad worked his entire life for the benefit of his family. His thirty four year career (MSD) provided comfort, shelter, love, laughter, and the true essence for the meaning of “family”. Although he admitted the mistakes of his life Joe was a man committed to his faith. Dad proudly read the entire Bible twice and often used that wisdom to nourish his family. Dad always helped with our problems and quickly pointed out one of his favorite Bible quotes. “Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray for everything; tell God your needs and don’t forget to thank him for his answers” (Philippians 4:6).

Joe was a World War II Veteran and served in the United States Coast Guard (Semper Paratus). Joe served on a decorated Amphibious Personnel Assault Ship (The U.S.S. LEONARD WOOD APA 12). Dad was involved twelve land invasions in the Pacific.

Joe left a legacy at his long time place of employment (MSD). Known as a reliable co- worker who went to work every day. A proud member of Local 410 during his entire career. Known for helping employees to learn how to read and write so they could attain their driver licenses, get promotions, and the importance of working safely so they could return home to their families every night. Joe was a proclaimed Democrat who sincerely cared for the less fortunate.

To all of Joe’s Family (The Hennigsens, Steck’s, DiStefano’s, DiNatale’s, Moceri’s, Lo Duca’s, La Duca’s, and Anselmo’s) thank your for your prayer and support. We also want to share a special thanks to our loving cousin Nikki Anselmo. During the past four years of Dad’s time in the nursing facility Nikki always sent cards of support, flowers, Italian cookies, fruit baskets and most of all her true genuine love for her Uncle Joe (thanks cous.).

Together we can rejoice and be happy the fight is over and Joe is victorious. Big Joe was a man of humor and whenever possible tried to make us laugh. About a month ago I was visiting Dad during my lunch break. One of the nurses came in and stated “Joe I need a blood, urine, and stool sample; he looked at me and said give her my underwear. Dad was the boss and always reminded everyone that he was in charge. This humble loving man loved to eat; and no matter how fancy or good the meal was he insisted that bologna be present. Nancy and I brought Dad a meal every day and he would always greet us with “did you get the freaking bologna”. Dad had a quote which goes back to our child hood “I’d rather have a bologna sandwich any day”. Until we meet again, t’amu, ti vogghu beni Nancy, Joe and Famigghia.


  1. Ed Young on September 22, 2014 at 11:48 am

    RIP Joseph Anselmo. My prayers are with the Anselmo family.

  2. Rick "Dutch" Heitman on September 22, 2014 at 3:19 pm

    To the Anselmo and Randazzo families my heartfelt sympathies to you all. It has been an honor and has made me happy to have been your friend all these years. I always looked to Joe as a second father since losing my dad at such a young age. From meeting you all in 1968 to present day I am grateful for all that Joe and the entire family meant to me. My prayers and thoughts are with you always. Love “Dutch”

  3. John and Beth Rowland on September 22, 2014 at 4:02 pm

    To Nancy and Joe,
    Your loss is our loss. Its been an honor to have known Joe and the whole Anselmo family. Joe helped me in my time of need and because of him, I’ve had a successful career. Our families are forever intertwined. We’ve used some of his wisdom in raising our own family. We’ve lost a good fine man. He’ll be missed by all. Know that you are in our thoughts. John and Beth


  4. Rick Parrott on September 22, 2014 at 6:02 pm

    To Joe and the Families, So VERY Sorry for your loss. My prayers are with you.

  5. Joni Goldstein on September 23, 2014 at 3:59 am

    Nancy and Joe,
    My heart and prayers are with you 2 and the whole families. He was a true leader of your tribe. I “Get It” how special he was to your unit.
    I love all you guys and the ones that left before Gertie and Tony.
    Your friend always
    Great memories xoxo
    Joni Goldstein

  6. Leslie Di Natale on September 23, 2014 at 9:30 am

    Joe and Nancy I love you both and my thoughts and prayers are with you. I remember my mom telling me that the day after she and my dad were married they spent the day with Joe and Gert. My dad and Joe shared the same birthday and they would always call each other to wish each other happy birthday. They were as close as brothers and they are now reunited. RIP Joe!

  7. Nikki Anselmo on September 23, 2014 at 3:03 pm

    Uncle Joe, you meant so much to me. Even though our relationship was long distance, and had gaps in it, I have many memories. All the letters you wrote to me after my dad passed meant so much and I have never forgotten them. You comforted me through those letters. We did not see each other much because we lived in different places. I know what good buddies you and my dad were. I can see it in all the pictures too. I loved my dad deeply which made me automatically love you deeply. It was nice to get to know you again years later after a brief separation. I enjoyed every conversation and every visit even though at times they were brief. Have fun in heaven with dad and all the other relatives who have passed on. I am so happy that you are at peace and out of pain. Love your niece Nikki.

  8. Melissa Allen on September 29, 2014 at 9:02 am

    You all must be very proud to have had such a loving, strong man in your lives. I’m sorry for your loss and inspired by his story and legacy. My prayers are with you all.

  9. Joseph Anselmo on September 29, 2014 at 10:41 pm

    Being half way across the world doesn’t make this easy. When I came home in May I was beyond excited for Lucas to meet his Great grandpa Joe. When I walked in to the room I didn’t know what to expect because it had been so long since I had seen you last. As soon as you saw Lucas your eyes light up and my heart filled with joy immediately. That moment and the entire day will forever be instilled in my mind. Dad, you, Lucas and I all together sharing love, laughs and stories. I wont ever forget you. You were a strong man who cared deeply for his family and would do anything for them. My dad wouldn’t be the man he is today without you and I hope in time that I can become as wise and caring as the both of you. I love you grandpa and I know you will always keep an eye out on the family. Give grandpa and uncle Tony my love. t’amu ti vogghu beni

  10. Mary Moceri on September 30, 2014 at 7:27 am

    From my Mom…To Joe”I will never forget how you and I would sit on the couch by Aunt Frankie’s and watch the family play cards and would both talk about old times!I really enjoyed that.Also enjoyed talking to you when I called you at the nursing home.God bless you.”Cousin Mary Moceri

  11. Tina Navarrette on September 30, 2014 at 7:38 am

    Dear Joe and Nancy and Family..Please know you are all in our prayers…and isn’t it wonderful to know cousin Joe is rejoicing with the rest of the family! For all of us the best is yet to come!!We pray that The Father will continue to comfort and heal you,and your family.Love to you from the Moceri’s.

  12. Jerry and Janet Somogye on September 30, 2014 at 5:34 pm

    Joe,Kim and family
    Even though I never had the pleasure
    of meeting your father,I heard wonderful
    stories about him from you…and knowing
    You the way I do, he must have been a
    great man…He now has the peace he
    deserves, and as time goes by so will You…
    Jerry Janet


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