Joseph Nam Karau Hatton

Joseph Nam Karau Hatton passed away on January 12, 2022 at the age of 56. His battle with cancer was driven by his “Never give up! Never surrender!” determination. After months of struggle and no options left, he chose to leave this world listening to his favorite ‘80’s music, surrounded by the love of his family and friends.

Joe was passionate. He taught himself to program in his 20’s and continued to learn and thrive as a programmer throughout his life. He enjoyed the challenge to his mind and creativity and he used his skills to give back to the community that he loved.

After his early years of struggling as an orphan, he felt a deep connection with those who were displaced, hungry, oppressed, or in need. He showered his dogs and cats with love and extended that love to rescue animals. People who were struggling also deeply affected him. He fought to be a “voice for the voiceless”. He took it upon himself to be that someone who stepped up and took action.

Joe also had an intense, daily love affair with salad. A day never went by without some leafy greens drowned in an Italian dressing. Much to his wife, Jennifer’s, chagrin, his late night snack was never chocolate.

Lastly, he was ardently devoted to his family. In Luke, his son, he saw a little piece of himself that fascinated him. He and Leah, his daughter, his little princess, had an unbreakable bond. After 26 years of marriage, Joe and Jennifer had settled into that “finishing each other’s sentences phase” of comfort and love.

A virtual memorial service will be held on Thursday, January 20 at 7:30 pm.

If you would like to donate to his wife and kids you can do so here:

Joe would have loved to continue to leave a legacy to two of his biggest passions in life: animals and programming. Please consider donating in memoriam at or


  1. Dacia Reinke on January 19, 2022 at 2:12 pm

    Jennifer, Luke & Leah;
    I remember when Joe (& his brother) came into our family. (My grandfather & his father were brothers.)
    I am sorry for your loss.
    I pray that our loving Father in heaven will shower you with an extra measure of His Grace for the days ahead.

  2. Mark Hotz on January 20, 2022 at 7:56 am

    Mary and I were so saddened to hear of the passing of Joe. Are deepest heartfelt thoughts and prayers go out to the Hatton and Karau families. May God give you comfort and peace during this sorrowful time. Mark and Mary Hotz. Lake Mary, Florida.

  3. Jon & Carolyn Hicks, Naples, FL. on January 20, 2022 at 9:33 am

    Carolyn & I are saddened to hear of Joe’s passing. He was such a nice person. We will pray that God will give comfort to his family.

  4. Barb Jundt on January 20, 2022 at 9:55 am

    Jennifer, Luke & Leah,
    Steve and I were so saddened to hear of Joe’s passing. Over the years, we would run into Joe at the gas pump, Walmart, grocery store, etc. and Joe was always the first person to find us and begin the conversation. Joe had a great sense of humor. Steve & I loved walking the lake behind your house & always looked for Joe to be on the deck or in the yard. Last summer, taking our walk by your house, was the last time we spoke with Joe, as he was grilling from your deck. I hope you and your family take comfort in knowing the Blanchard family and the Jundt family love you all and will always have fond memories of Joe in our hearts.
    Steve & Barb Jundt

  5. Jan Siener on January 20, 2022 at 7:02 pm

    Jenn ,the world has lost yet another warrior who gave it his all. Joe was a friend the first time I met him. He was sincere about his love for animals and he won my respect immediately. He offered to help our group in so many ways .His heart was bigger than Texas and if something needed saved, he was there. The fact that Rhonda was adopted by your loving family says it all. please know you and Luke and Leah our in my thoughts. I will think of Joe and smile for the man who always made me laugh.

  6. Linda Parker on January 20, 2022 at 10:27 pm

    God be with you. 🕊

  7. Rumi on January 20, 2022 at 11:29 pm

    Joe will be missed. I’m so sorry Jennifer. I’m thinking about you, Luke and Leah. What a sweet video celebrating his life.

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