St. Louis Cremation

Joyce M. Distler

Joyce Marie Distler, 80

Joyce Distler, of St. Louis, Missouri passed away July 21, 2017 to be with our Heavenly Father and Saviour, Jesus Christ the Lord. Born 1937 in Cincinnati, Ohio, to Emmett and Josephine Stephenson, Joyce was preceded in death by her only brother, James Stephenson.

Joyce’s father Emmett Stephenson was a WWI veteran in fact, and her mother, Josephine (White) Stephenson were both from the Cincinnati area. After graduating high school in Cincinnati, Joyce attended the University of Cincinnati for two years before marrying her life’s love, and surviving spouse Richard Lee Distler, whom she met at the University. Married for for 59 years, and raising five children, Richard and Joyce had a true love that was strong through all of life’s ups and downs.

Richard cared for Joyce these past many years as she bravely struggled with late stage Parkinson’s disease and a most recent hospital stay with pneumonia that led to her ultimate last days here on Earth. Joyce was surrounded by all five of her children, her loving husband, and other close family members when she passed away in her home in Affton, Missouri.

Joyce and Richard were long time members of Christ the King Church in Webster Groves, where she last worshipped just this past June with her husband faithfully by her side.

Joyce was always ahead of fun or unique trends such as roller skate dance at local roller rinks, during the 1980s, and getting her husband to enjoy the weekly time together.

As ‘empty nesters’ and as Richard entered retirement, Joyce and he went travelling across the U.S. in their Ford RV over a 10 year period. Visiting family, friends, and doing church related mission work, Joyce and Richard also explored our Nation’s Parks as far flung as Mt. Olympia in Washington, to the Panhandle of Florida and every place in between.

Joyce and Richard learned to Swing dance and the Tango for fun and to help maintain Joyce’s physical mobility and well being, even in her later stages of Parkinson’s disease.

Richard was a phenomenal care taker, having participated actively in a local caregiver group and researching Parkinson’s to understand how Joyce was progressing in all stages of the disease. Joyce’s daughters living in St. Louis were also very loving in caring for her and in support of their father.

Joyce is survived by her husband, Richard and their 4 daughters, 1 son, 9 grandchildren, and 2 great grandchildren.

A memorial service will be held for Joyce sometime in August, and will be announced to family and friends once details are available.


  1. Sandy & Jon Bergt on July 25, 2017 at 2:10 pm

    Oh it can’t be, she had SO much life and energy in her!

    We met Rich and Joyce soon after we arrived at Washington Park Fellowship. Right away they were inclusive toward us. They were wise and kind and made us feel welcome.

    And they were always so supportive of Jon’s music.

    What a HUGE hole she will leave. What a spunky, likable woman! God bless the Distler family. We do send our condolences!

  2. Diane Young on July 26, 2017 at 5:15 am

    It was always a pleasure to see and talk to Joyce. Looking forward to seeing her again !

  3. Cindy Huelsing on July 26, 2017 at 9:43 am

    Joyce will be missed by many but thank you Jesus for the life she lived! Joyce and Rich both have lived a life as a light shining for Him. I have such fond memories of living life together with them at Washington Park Fellowship. So thankful for those times. Sandy is so correct… Joyce and Rich both were so full of life. Love you both and thank you for being such examples of his love!!!
    PS. Not sure who wrote the obituary for Joyce but it was written so well (best one I have ever read). It may sound strange to some, but to me even in her obituary…I see life well lived. Love you Joyce!

  4. Lannie Johnson on July 27, 2017 at 2:35 pm

    Rich and family,

    So sorry that she is gone. She was such a sweetheart with a sweet spirit for God.

  5. Sharon Hawk on April 21, 2023 at 7:01 pm

    Dear Rich and Family
    I worked with Ruch for years. Rich and family you have my deepest sympathy. God bless and prayers 🙏 for your family. You now have an angel looking out for all of you. I never met her but what a great woman from my views on Facebook and truly an angel

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