Laura Rose Mazzola

Laura Rose Mazzola passed away at her home in Arnold, Missouri on September 25, 2021. Her significant other George Schweiger was with her when she passed.

Laura was born on August 22, 1972 and is preceded in death by her parents Thomas and Joyce Mazzola. She is also preceded by former husband and father of her children Dade Farnham Jr. Beloved mother of Justin Farnham and Brittany (Michael) Corn. Amazing grandmother of Patrick and Juliet Corn. She is survived by her sister Jennie (Michael) Taylor, brothers Thomas and Joseph Mazzola. Dear aunt of Andrea Taylor, Melissa (Nathan) Cox. Dear great aunt of Josephine and Wyatt Cox. Loving niece, cousin, and friend to many.

Laura’s family and friends will be gathering for a potluck to celebrate her life on October 9, 2021 at Forest Park Pavilion #11 from 2:00 pm until 5:00 pm.


  1. GEORGE SCHWEIGER on October 6, 2021 at 4:57 pm

    Even though we didn’t always see eye to eye you knew how to calm me down in those certain situations. 16yrs is along time and I was hoping for many more but God needed you more just wish you wouldn’t haven’t had to endure the pain. You were my best friend, my other half and my rock. I LOVE YOU and miss you George

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