Lisa Anne Smallwood

Lisa Anne Smallwood of Hazelwood MO passed away on December 16th 2020 at the age of 58 years old. She was preceded in death by her loving Fiancé Arthur Magee of Hazelwood Missouri, her mother Marie E. Smallwood nee, Schrepfer of Hazelwood Missouri and Uncle George Schrepfer of Hazelwood Missouri.

Lisa was a very caring, strong, compassionate woman who loved God. She would always try to ease the burden of other people even at the expense of putting more on herself. She loved all of the people in her life and was a witness to the love she had for God through her actions along her life’s journey.

Lisa Graduated High School from Hazelwood West in 1980, and her life took off from there. She had many careers over the years as her ambition drove her to higher and higher success.

In the early life of Lisa, she had attended Florissant Valley Community college to pursue a certification and career in American Sign Language interpretation for the Deaf. She worked for may years in the field, most notable was her time working for the Special School District of St. Louis interpreting for students in the St. Louis School District.

Much later in her life Lisa decided to go back to school and obtain her Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology so that she could pursue her true passion of helping people as a Licensed Professional Counselor. She served others through counseling while working for New Directions Employee Assistance Program (Formerly E4 Health Systems).

In addition to the love and compassion she had for the people in her life, she also loved animals. She would not hesitate to bring another animal home if she truly thought it needed her love and care. Lisa’s love for her dogs; D2, Bear and Ginger was unmeasurable. She would have done anything for them as she treated them like her children.

Lisa lived a life of purpose, she had went through many hard times in her life, but she persevered and continued to do what she loved doing and that was helping people as she chose to make a career of doing so.

Lisa was loved by so many people and Lisa loved in return. She was an instrument used by God to minister to many people and the lives she touched are not able to be numbered. Lisa will be missed dearly by all that had a part in her journey through life.

There will be a Memorial Dinner at the Pasta House at a date when it is safer for people to gather together. Lisa wanted us to honor her life in the same way her Mother’s life was honored. Details will be announced as soon as they are made and available.

In Lieu of flowers, Lisa asked that donations be made in her memory to the Alzheimer’s Association in honor of her Mother.


  1. Mark Vaughan on January 6, 2021 at 6:44 pm

    Lisa was a genuinely honest and humble person.

  2. Jolana Hurt on January 7, 2021 at 4:29 pm

    I worked with Lisa at both E4 and New Directions. She was always a positive and kind person. Learning about her sudden passing was heartbreaking and shocking. I too am a lover of dogs and all animals, no wonder we got along so well. Plus we shared a desire to help others. Lisa leaves behind wonderful friends and co-workers who respected and loved her. She will be missed.

  3. Melody Smith on January 13, 2021 at 7:47 pm

    I spoke to Lisa several times a day for a couple or three years while she worked at New Directions and I worked for a Counseling Center in Wichita Kansas. She was always so genuine and her love for animals made us instant friends. I was really saddened to hear about her passing it is still unreal. I wonder about her baby dogs and what happened with them. I know she is in a better place and with the ones she loved that passed before her. I have been missing her after our office closed and I have a knew job but unfortunately had not had time to contact her. Rest In Peace Lisa and know you made a difference in a lot of lives not just the ones you helped get to services but the people that you talked with on a daily basis to get information and follow-up. It is always an instant bond when you find an animal lover.

    Melody and Molly Gene (black lab)

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