
Lynne Sadler Nabors

Mrs. Lynne Sadler Nabors, aged 82, of Saint Louis, Missouri, passed away after a brief illness, on May 11th. She was preceded in death by her beloved husband Hugh W. Nabors in 2004.  Together they had one child, Patrick H. Nabors, and three beautiful granddaughters, Marie, Gabrielle and Celeste.  All were with her when she passed.

Lynne was born November 1, 1940 in West Palm Beach, Florida, daughter of William Powers Sadler and Sarah Busby Sadler. As a teenager she lived in Birmingham, Al.  She married Hugh Nabors, her high school sweetheart, in 1959, giving up attendance at Auburn University to follow Hugh, who had enlisted in the US Coast Guard.  Their early years saw many new addresses as Hugh attended flight school and became an officer in the Coast Guard. In 1964, while living in Corpus Christi, Texas, they had their only child, Patrick.  The family then moved to Naples, Italy, for a few years, then moved back to the US to live in Mobile, Alabama.  Their final Coast Guard relocation was to Saint Louis in 1977, when they purchased a “shell” home in Lafayette Square. Although the early years of “pioneer” living in a home being rehabbed were trying, over the years Lynne came to love Lafayette Square, the neighborhood and the people, very much.  She was always active in the events of the Square, and could be seen walking a Cairn and chatting with neighbors almost every day.

Lynne became involved in Cairn Terrier dogs in about 1965, and the breed became her primary interest, after her family. She bred and kept Cairns throughout her life after becoming involved in the breed, and produced and finished many champion Cairn Terriers, under the kennel name “Twigbent Cairns”.  She was recognized as an authority on the breed and wrote countless articles on the subject, and mentored many new Cairn enthusiasts. Lynne chose to be cremated.

The Celebration of Life Memorial on June 17, 2023 at 1 p.m. will be held at

1221 Mackay Place

Saint Louis, Missouri

Donations can be made in Lynne’s name to the organizations listed below.

Cairn Terrier Club of America Foundation

The Nature Conservancy

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