Marc Ragg
Marc Arthur Ragg,69, of Saint Louis, Missouri, passed away, Tuesday, April 21, 2020 in the loving arms of his daughter.
Marc was a graduate of Saint Thomas Aquinas High School class of 69. He was an avid member of the Boy Scouts of America, attaining the designation of Eagle Scout.
Marc went on to have a 30-year career with Chrysler Corporation and was a member of UAW local 136.
Marc was a lifelong ZZ Top fan and avid lover of all music. Throughout his life, motorcycle riding has always been a great passion. Any day was a nice day to take out his Harley and feel free. He also enjoyed working on motorcycles and cars with his friends and having a cold Budweiser on the porch with his friends to end the day.
Marc enjoyed watching Faulty Towers and Monty Python, reading and loved to work crossword puzzles.
Above all else- Marc loved his daughter and granddaughter, loved being a part of their lives and took great pride in watching them grow in their academic and extracurricular activities. Marc loved to constantly challenge his daughter with new books to read in all different types of genres. Marc was a supportive shoulder to lean on and always had a story to lift your spirts. He was exceptionally good at sharing some wisdom or witty bits of information you never thought you would need- until now.
Marc was a dedicated and loving father, grandfather, friend, uncle, nephew and son.
His father Earl Ragg proceed him in death. He is survived by his daughter Kathryn Hillenburg (Elliot Moss), granddaughter Samantha Boyd, mother Doris Ragg, sister Jackie Armstrong (Scott Armstrong) nephews and niece (Chad Brauss, Kris Brauss, and Leslie Wild), great niece and nephew, cousins and many friends.
Marc requested his body be donated to The National Body Donor Program.
A celebration of his life will be planned for later in the summer. Marc loved Animals (especially cats) so in lieu of flowers, memorial donations may be made in his name to www.stlcats.org or the American Cancer Society www.cancer.org
Thank you for the friendship Marc and the many hours on Saturday evenings. Reminiscing about the good things in your life that made you feel like you were on top of the world. A real Friend you were indeed. R.I.P. Marc.
You will truly be missed, my friend…….
I’ll see you in a while when my time is up.
Till then, “Maintain” and as ALWAYS
Mark was a amazing man, I met him in my early 20’s and we got together often, usually at Jack’s or Better on West Florissant in Dellwood. I had many good times in his Jeep and other adventures. Always upbeat and funny, just a joy to be around. I am so sorry I wasn’t able to see him when he was moved to the healthcare center as the quarantine went into affect. I did have several very meaningful conversations with him while he was there and he was facing his fate in a very brave manner, he was ready to meet his Lord! He will be sorely missed. RIP Mark!
I really miss our after work calls. It’s not the same without hearing your voice. Love and miss you every hour of everyday, Dad. Always
He was also a very dedicated and loving brother. He will be forever missed. Love his sister jackie.
I’ll always remember how I’d be at family get togethers and everyone would be off n there circles talking about the times, sometimes I’d feel left out, Uncle Marc would be there to talk and joke around with about anything. I could always feel comfortable around him. I love you Uncle Marc and I’ll miss you. I’ll never forget one of the last times I saw him, at my grandmas and we were outside talking and joking around, next thing we know we see a blue Beetle pull up, n we both look at each other like huh who is this. And then my brother comes climbing out of it???????????? i we both looked at each other smiling and said I wasn’t expecting that???????????? to anyone that knows my brother they’d see why we’d think that. I’ll miss you Uncle Marc, I’m glad I had you as my uncle!!!????
We met 28 years ago dated 17 years and I fell in love with you ,you were always fun to be with such a great personality and we had alot of great times that will forever help me get thru this loss.No one can or will ever replace you. I will always have you in my heart .I know you are no longer in pain or suffering which is the only comfort I have to help ease the pain I feel for your loss.Miss you your voice smile fly high see you when my time comes. Always Your Baber.♥️♥️♥️????
Brenda Busby
Just seen this So bummed, I met Marc at Chrysler we had a lot in common as we both loved motorcycles , cars, racing etc. . After retiring we stayed InTouch told old stories about his adventures in his younger days over and over HAHA. He talked of his daughter and family. So happy they were by his side in his last days. He told me how good it felt to have you all caring for him. Always so kind and supportive in what ever anyone was trying to accomplish . What a good dude.
Marty and Sue Volmert
So sorry to hear the passing of Marc. I knew him in the day of Jack or Better throwing peanut shells on the floor and his little orange Beetle Bug. He was always a good upbeat person with a smile on his face. Have many great memories with him and the guys in those years. RIP Marc! I am glad our paths crossed!
That picture slide is absolutely!
I will soon be 42, Daddy. I’ll know the answer to the great question of life, the universe and everything. Of course it won’t be the same without you here to tell me ????❤️
Marc left a lasting memory for someone I was with for a short while. I always knew I could pick up the phone at any given time and he would have me in stitches with his quick wit and the cynical but halarious way he viewed the world. He taught me much about life and ways to cope when things don’t always go as expected. He loved his daughter, grand daughter, mother, father, sister, in laws and outlaws (aka his friends) with an unwavering devotion. You always had a place in Marc’s heart once he let you in as his friend. His advice was free and good and always came with a price tag of laughing too hard. The world needs more like Marc, and you will be greatly missed my friend. I know from our many conversations about religion that his faith is strong, and I am certain he is still Watching over his loved ones.
Still thinking of you, Daddy. Every day. I love you.
I am sorry that I didn’t keep in touch. I spoke to you in 2018. You were happy I called and we spoke like it was 1983! I should have called more often. I tried you just this new year and you didn’t answer. I loved you till the end and thought of our crazy times.
Love- the devil with the blue dress🥰.
“When you remember me, it means that you have carried something of who I am with you, that I have left some mark of who I am on who you are. It means that you can summon me back to your mind even though countless years and miles may stand between us. It means that if we meet again, you will know me. It means that even after I die, you can still see my face and hear my voice and speak to me in your heart.
For as long as you remember me, I am never entirely lost.”
Frederick Buechner – Whistling in the Dark, 1988.
Karl Harald Alfred Broge (Danish, 1870-1955)
It I hard to believe it’s been 4 years. I till think of you and miss everyday Daddy. Always, Kathy