Grettta 1

Margaretta Anne “Gretta” Kraft

June 23, 1944 – November 21, 2021

Gretta was born in St. Louis, MO on June 23, 1944, to Louis Powell and Elsie Vera Wilken Kraft.   She lived in Brentwood, MO,  a very “Norman Rockwell” type town where children grew up in a middle class neighborhood and played in their neighborhood, as well as biking all over town.  Sometimes, it was walking or biking to the Brentwood Congregational Church where she attended with her siblings, Elsie and Ben.  

Gretta graduated from Brentwood High School in 1963.  There, she enjoyed her art and journalism classes the best. She spent many hours helping to create the high school newspaper and yearbook.  

 Later she studied hard in the Journalism School of the University of Missouri in Columbia, MO.  She graduated from there in 1967.  Afterwards, she took a job at a suburban newspaper in Chicago, IL.  That lasted a couple of years, and then she was ready to return to her roots in St. Louis.

Her second and favorite job was working as the Public Relations director for the St. Louis County Parks and Recreation Department.  That job kept her busy taking pictures of the parks and contacting TV, radio, and newspapers.  Each year she created park brochures and newspaper inserts detailing park events.  These were creative work tasks she really enjoyed.  She had a good artistic eye and took many great pictures. Gretta definitely had a creative side.

At various times in her life she fed her creative and curious nature by taking many adult education classes.  Most, but not all, were classes on art.  

Gretta’s spiritual side was nurtured for about twenty-five years after she joined Old Orchard Church in Webster Groves, MO.  She joined Bible Study groups and helped in the kitchen at various functions.  Her friends became many.  Her brother Ben and his family attended there.  She became very faithful and full of love for her church and church family. 

A great sadness covered Gretta and her extended family when her brother Louis Benjamin “Ben” Kraft passed away last spring on May 12.  Gretta is survived by her sister Elsie Link (Bill), sister-in-law Michelle Pelphrey Kraft, nephews, nieces, and many friends.

A Memorial service is to be held at Old Orchard Church, 640 Amelia Avenue, Webster Groves, MO at 10:00 am on December 11.  Visitation will be before the church service starting at 9:00 am.  Parking is on the street.  An elevator is located at the entrance around the corner on Fairlawn Ave.  Face masking would be appreciated in the church.  The service will be live-streamed on the website or on their FB page –Old Orchard Church or on YouTube.  


In lieu of flowers, please consider donations to Old Orchard Church.


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