
Marie Gillihan

Marie Gillihan, mother, sister, daughter, sister in law, aunt, grandmother, great grandmother and friend. Born Sept 9, 1939, she passed away peacefully September 5 th 2023 at the age of 83.

Marie is survived by her sister Marcella McDonnell (along with her spouse), sister in laws Judy and Barbara, daughters Terri Schnur and Laura Butler (along with their spouses), stepson Tim Gillihan, 4 grandchildren, Stephanie Riddle, Steven Butler, Chris Hauk and Bryan Butler, (along with their spouses). She had 9 great grandchildren – Judah, Miles, Brody, Reis, Calvin, Gracie, Chandler, Rose and Maisy along with nieces, nephews and friends. And, last but not least, her room-mate Katy (cat)

Marie was preceded in death by Henry and Helen Schlereth (parents), her second husband Bill, her 2 step children Bill Jr. and Michelle, her mother and father in law Bill and Ann and sister in law Joanne. Marie’s number one hobby in her early years was gardening and raising African Violets. She won numerous ribbons for her terrarium creations at Mo Botanical Garden. She was also an outstanding bowler carrying an average of 190 and won LOTS of bowling trophies for high average, high game and high series. She also coached and ran bowling leagues. Fishing was a sport she enjoyed and she could out-fish her husband and father in law!

Marie was an animal lover and took in many cats and dogs over the years. As she grew older, she took pleasure in spending time with her cat Katy, fed local wildlife and stray cats. For those who knew her well, the name Giulio Berruti could be a topic of ANY conversation and she had many pictures of him on her Facebook pages.

Marie enjoyed talking with people and was warm and friendly. She had a Catholic background and as she grew older there were many conversations in regards to knowing Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior. When Marie became homebound, she was assisted by Amanda (her nurse) who became like a third daughter to her. Without her help, she would not have been able to stay in her home as long as she did. Her number one wish was to stay in her home – which she did, almost to the end.

Donations in her honor can be made to:
Open Door Animal Sanctuary

Her celebration of life will be held on
Sunday October 1st, Service starting at 2:00 PM.
Place: Occasions Banquet Hall 9451
Gentry St. Louis, MO 63125


  1. Cindy (Ross) Miller on September 16, 2023 at 5:30 pm

    Marie, was my aunt by marriage . She was the wife of my mom’s brother Bill. My mom used to say, she was like another sister to her. I can think of many wonderful moments, with my aunt. I remember her and her African violets amongst many plants she grew at her home, her love of bowling. I would see her quite often at the western bowl working, and most of our family, were all on a bowling leagues together. I remember hearing a few stories about the fishing adventures with my uncle and my grandpa at Weldon Springs. Some.
    Funny, some not so funny. 🤣 I always remember her having a smile on her face, and she laughed a lot. I always thought she was very pretty. For a couple of years, I would go over to her house, and I would give her permanent waves. That was a special time for me. We always had great talks.
    I thought it was so cute a couple years ago when I found out, about her man crush with Gulio, an Italian actor, I can see why she enjoyed watching his movies. He’s definitely easy on the eyes.
    Although, I have not seen her in a few years, I have thought of her often, and she will be truly missed.
    Rest in peace Aunt Marie. 🌺💕

  2. Patty Burger on September 18, 2023 at 10:15 pm

    I worked with Marie at Western Bowl for over 10 years. We were a big happy family there. Every Mon & Fri her mom would come down to watch her friends bowl. She was a front desk staple at the bowling center. She was a gem and I will miss her greatly.

  3. Lisa Fannin on September 25, 2023 at 5:42 pm

    Marie was a wonderful mom and grandmother to her family. My prayers and sincere condolences to all who love her.

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