St. Louis Cremation

Marilyn Terry Schelp

Marilyn Terry (Sirota) Schelp, born June 20th 1946 in Paterson, New Jersey. Daughter of Louis and Mae Sirota who proceeded her in death. Marilyn attended Ohio State University and the New York School of Physicians Assistants. She had a long career in healthcare, and broke the glass ceiling being one of the first women to be hired as a pharmaceutical sales representative. Marilyn was an amazing artist, she truly brought watercolors to life. She was an avid gardener and active in U-City in Bloom. She is survived by: her brother Donald of Wayne New Jersey, her husband Stuart A, and granddaughters Victoria Costello of St. Louis, and Katie Ludlum of Fowler, IL. Marilyn is also survived by two step children: Sarah Ludlum of Fowler Illinois, and Stuart T. Schelp of St. Louis. Marilyn, also known as Lolly by her grandchildren, was much loved and will be missed by her family and friends a great deal. After a long illness, we thank God she is finally at peace. In honor of her memory, we encourage donations to Huntington’s Disease Society of St. Louis.


  1. Robert White on March 22, 2017 at 6:58 pm

    Goodbye Marilyn my friend. Now you may rest in a much better place.

    Robb White

  2. Thomas Kurzenberger on March 22, 2017 at 7:08 pm

    Rest in Peace Marilyn. You were an amazing woman. You always brighten up the room when you arrived. I will miss you.

  3. Cindi Shore on March 22, 2017 at 7:13 pm

    This is a terrible loss but now she is finally at peace from this horrible disease that took her far to young. My greatest memory of Marilyn was sleeping over at her house by myself when I was probably 8 or 9, she made BBQ shrimp which was my favorite. We walked around the central west end going into many shops as I’m sure there were plenty of artsy type shops which she loved:) she was my moms greatest friend and was with her almost to the end:( my condolences to you Stuart on this great loss of love:(

  4. Stephanie Altman on March 22, 2017 at 8:37 pm

    As her long time dear friend, I miss my Marilyn everyday. I was privilege to call her my BEST Friend though-out the good days and of course the difficult years with her long enduring illness. My heart breaks for her loss but I know that she is at peace.
    With a loving and a caring heart, rest my dear Marilyn.
    Love you always, Stephanie

  5. Jennifer Billingslea on March 23, 2017 at 4:49 am

    Rest in peace Marilyn…… Your mind, body and soul are back together again…..

  6. Kathy Williams on March 23, 2017 at 11:00 am

    Many good times and memories of Marilyn! I will always remember her laugh! Finally…peace!

  7. Randy & Lisa on March 23, 2017 at 9:19 pm

    Marilyn was our hostess, our friend, our love. She and Stuart have hosted us for Superbowls, Mask Parties for The Grand Sultans. Oh those Oscar parties! The croquet parties! Happy Hours. And you know what? I was very late to the party. One last thing, she had the most unique giggle ever! I’ll never forget it!

  8. Gary Brockman on March 23, 2017 at 9:20 pm

    Marilyn, what a beautiful person. A wonderful friend for over 30 years. Her and Stuart were the greatest neighbors. She suffered a long time, now she will rest in peace. I love Marilyn for ever and ever.

  9. Craig A Rosemann on March 23, 2017 at 9:54 pm

    I’ll always appreciate what she did for family in the years of 1988 and 1989. She was mother’s hospice care, when she was going through her bout with cancer. I can’t believe all the quality time she spent with my mom in her last years. What a true friend!

  10. Maura Kelly Leib on March 24, 2017 at 3:28 pm

    Marilyn you taught me so much about how to be a healthy, active, interested person and a real mensch. I consider myself blessed to have met you and become friends with you when I did. I think of you often and will remember you fondly always. XO

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