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Marjorie Alice Bourzikas

Marjorie Alice (Hubbard) Bourzikas, passed away unexpectedly but peacefully in her sleep at the age of 77.  She was the daughter of Ralph and Alma Hubbard and the sister to Martha Jean, Mary Ellen, and Ruth Alma. She was married to John Daniel Bourzikas and she is survived by three sons, Paul, Grant (Jamie), and Kent (Katy), and four grandsons Nikos, Bennett, Brock, and Grayson.

 Alice was raised on a farm in Southeast Missouri and went on to become an elementary teacher, a real estate agent, and an owner of an antique furniture shop on Cherokee Row. Alice loved gardening, attending musicals, traveling, and going to lunch with friends. In addition, she spent her spare time volunteering. Alice was most proud of her family and friends, but most enjoyed her time with her grandsons.

Her visitation is planned for August 13th at 10:00am followed by a memorial service at 11:30am. In lieu of flowers, the family is asking for donations to Concord Trinity United Methodist Church.



  1. Melissa and Ashley Nadeau on August 1, 2022 at 1:51 pm

    I am so sorry for you loss praying for your family that God will give you the peace of knowing this is not goodbye but you too will be reunited In haven one day.

  2. Kenny Nadeau on August 1, 2022 at 2:43 pm

    Praying for the whole family i will never forget Alice’s great Saturday Breakfast she made for us Mainly The Belgium Waffles. Everytime i see something about Waffles i have a great memories of us having breakfast together

  3. Kay Hubbard on August 2, 2022 at 8:56 am

    I miss my cousin Alice and send my deepest sympathy and love. I will miss the service. Will it be recorded? Thanks for this great photo and obituary. Hugs to you all. I share deeply in your loss.

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