Martin “Marty” Carlyle
Carlyle, Martin E ( Marty) age 62. Fortified with the Sacraments of the Holy Mother Church, Saturday June 13, 2020
Beloved son of the late Louis & Hilda Carlyle, brother to the late Michael(survived by Cathy) Carlyle, Joyce Dodd, Karen( the late Paul) Damazyn, Sandy Lynch, the late James( survived by Cheryl)Carlyle, Pamela Bagby and the late Richard Carlyle. Uncle, Great-Uncle and Friend to everyone.
Retired from the Air National Guard and the St Charles County Ambulance District.
Mass will be celebrated 10:00 a.m., Thursday, June 25th at All Saints Parish, 7 McMenamy Road, St. Peters, MO 63376. Visitation 9:00 a.m. until time of Mass at Church. Mass will be live streamed through All Saints Parish Facebook events. Private burial at Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery.
In lieu of flowers, contributions to All Saints Parish and the Cancer Society
Marty was such a nice person. I would see him everyday at the pool. He was very funny. He also belonged to my parish. I will miss him.
I met Marty at the produce stand, and looked forward to chatting with him in the mornings when he stopped by. On Saturdays we all looked forward to his weekly delivery of donuts! What a kind, thoughtful and generous gesture! He was so happy to find the perfect baskets of red geraniums this season. I will think of him every time I see a red geranium. May he rest in peace.
What a loss to this entire world of ours, Marty was a one of a kind , truly a stand up guy whom would literally give you the shirt off his back, a helping hand without being asked , listen to you if you needed to talk, about anything , he’d be there , but he’d also give you an ear full if that’s what you needed or not, he still gave it. Marty… we love you, and will miss you in so many ways
May you Rest In Peace , til we meet again my friend. .
I remember Marty as a very sweet guy that had just started working for SCCAD. He was very nice and I’m incredibly sorry I lost touch with him after I quit working at the hospital. Rest in peace sweet friend.
Marty! Marty was the Best. I met Marty 14-15 years ago our Mothers had both passed away at the same time. He rented the condominium from us for the last 15 years. I love how he kept me on my toes, “Anne, there is a typo on the lease.” “Anne, I sent you my rent check five days ago and you haven’t deposited it yet.” Seriously, I am better person for knowing Marty. May your soul Rest In Peace! We love you Marty! Rob and Anne
I’m sorry for your loss Karen and the whole Carlyle family. ????????????????
What a great tribute for a great person! God bless all of you during this difficult time. Just think, he’s in heaven having a good old time with everyone that’s gone before him. Someday we’ll all be together again and what a joyous day for all of us! Love ya’ll!
I’ll always remember Marty’s smile and kind heart. I truly cared about him. It was and always will be a true pleasure to call him a friend. Rest in pease my friend. You will be be missed and above all Love by so many ????????????????????????
Marty was loved by us all at Anthony’s. He brought a smile to our faces every time we watched him pull on the lot. Like clockwork he was there bright and early after his early morning Uber runs. Providing donuts for the entire staff every Saturday for years is just ONE of many kind things he did. He was always there to help in times of need. He was a true giver without expecting anything in return. I’ve had so many laughs with him over the years. every single day I still look for him to pull in around 6am. Fireball shots in heaven my friend. I will never forget you! Until we meet again……
Sorry for your loss Karen. I remember you the most from school. May God give you the grace needed at this time of your sorrow. Kathy Postlewait (Thornburgh).
It is heartwarming to read all the kind remarks about Marty. Marty was always a kind and caring person, even during the rough times growing up on Hoffmeister.
I last remember seeing Marty at the casino in St. Charles. My family took my mother, Lillymae Reuter, to the casino for her birthday. God knows she loved the slots. Mom was in her own world dumping coins in a machine, when out of the blue up marches Marty. Mom’s memory had been fading but she sure remembered Marty(who by the way was named after my father). What a joy to see Marty who always seemed to have a smile on his facing.
Well, all the Carlyle boys are now gone and the girls are all still here, including the wives of the deceased boys who were married (one of God’s mysteries I guess).
Joyce, Karen, Sandy, Pam, Cathy and Cheryl, please know that each of you are in my thoughts and prayers. If my mother was still with us, she would tell you, “Always look for the good and be thankful for what you have”. Love and peace to all.