
Marty Frohlich

Marty Frohlich, 72, died peacefully April 4, 2024 after a very long fight with pain and heart issues.  She was born July 29,1951, in St. Louis, Missouri. 


She was the first superwoman 

She did it all and took care of us all

And by all, I mean most of us in here

She cooked for us and you better eat when she did 

She cleaned for us and you better have kept it clean 

She made us laugh 

She made us cry 

She made everyone she met love her 

And she loved her family more than anything 


Can we all just imagine what that reunion with Lloyd might have been like?

Probably something like him welcoming her with a kiss 

As he did every day upon coming home from work

Believe it…it happened 

Then maybe he’d say something like it took you long enough and she would tell him “shut up Lloyd” “I had things to do”

Regardless of how it may have been I’m sure there was maybe a beer and John Wayne alongside him to greet her 

The thought of that first happy hour with grandma and grandpa uncle Paul and our dad should put a smile on everyone’s face 


She loved her brothers and her “favorite” brother in law

Even when they acted like idiots she knew many of them to be 

She defended them with everything she had

Nobody could say anything bad about them except her

Including and especially Lloyd 

And if you did I feel sorry for you

I’ll never forget the story of grandma Haegele getting a call about her son Marty beating up a boy on the school bus 

She was definitely a force not to be reckoned with


She loved her one and only sister like she was her one and only 

She took such pride in being your sister 

She loved you so much

Not to be forgotten are her sister in laws, nieces and nephews and even their kids

Family was so valuable to my mom 

And if I have only one thing to tell you all today while remembering her it’s to enjoy your time together 


Appreciate your siblings and your kids and their families 

She wanted any reason for us to be together 


Her girls were her pride and joy

If possible her grandchildren brought her even more joy

And she was so happy to be here for four generations of girls 

She made girl power cool before it wasn’t

She taught us to be strong and stick up for ourselves

She made us who we are today and we couldn’t be more proud to be her daughters

And it carried down 

I see her strength in my kids 

She wanted nothing more than for them to succeed 

Claudia finding success in her career and happiness in her family and being a mom made my mom so proud

Connor graduating with honors and being such an amazing leader

Chase moving on to play pro hockey 

Carter making his way to play college hockey

And her friend, Cierra, leaving town to keep playing soccer 

That’s probably one of many reasons she was at peace enough to leave us with her not being right down the road

Gavin seeing so much success and speed pitching in college

Bella finding her place in college and life 

Peyton finishing high school and blossoming 

And Charli becoming quite the gymnast and young lady

Nate who is excelling as a flight attendant and really enjoying traveling and his career.

We can’t leave out Nolan who succeeds in every sport and is the epitome of an athlete


As a Grandma, my mom loved seeing these kids play their sports 

Even if she didn’t understand the game (like hockey which was her newest passion) she loved hearing and seeing their success

The Haegele bloodline along with her girls and grandkids will forever be her legacy


The second thing I would say in her honor is to stay active and keep moving 

My moms quality of life these last couple years was not the best

Many of you remember her being the life of the party or dancing with the cowboys 

Friday shopping with Grandma 

Walking up and down the nursery hill thousands of times a week

Cleaning her house and always up for a lunch out with her girls 

Our mom used to always be on the go

She was strong and active 

I remember her chasing one or all of us girls down after dinner and pinning us to the ground to make some demand of us all in fun

A personal favorite of mine is the story of her playing goal in a soccer game and flipping a player over her head 

She never backed down from a fight 

But she was tired

Her body was tired and this last year took a lot out of her 

If you want peace now that she is gone know that she is at peace and can finally rest 


When it comes to this family she was the glue that held us all together 

The only house more open to gatherings other than Ringer Rd. was Yaeger Rd. 

Even those that were no longer guests wanted to be her guest because the company, the people and the gatherings were the best 


In closing I’m flipping the script on her using a familiar phrase she often said to those she loved

“You’re leaving? Already?”


  1. Kris wittenauer on May 26, 2024 at 6:26 am

    Oh Jenn
    I feel like I knew her by reading this.
    The strength and love of life she passed on to all of you is so special.
    Your life is forever changed by her absence. It hurts so much because yall loved so much. i believe in ” so long for now”.. not goodbye. Love you and your family.

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