St. Louis Cremation Mary Tracy

Mary Ellen Tracy

Mary Ellen Tracy passed on Sunday February 21st.

Loving mother of Michael, David, Tim, Terry

Grandmother to Collin, Ryan, Adam, Corey, Megan, Madison

Great Grandmother to Evelyn dearest sister Dorothy

Services at St Ferdinand Catholic Church on 03/03/2021

Starting at 9 am

Mass at 10 am


  1. David Tracy on February 23, 2021 at 1:08 pm

    My mother was one of a kind full of life not only did she retire from Schnucks after 36 years but she loved having the whole family over for BBQ’s and her favorite holiday Christmas no one decorated the tree quite like my mother she also loved goin to the lake soaking up the sun and dancing and drinking to the song Cherry Bomb by John Mellencamp she will be dearly missed

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