Mary Gulley

On Thursday, December 10th, 2020, loving wife Mary Gulley passed away in her sleep at age 63. Mary was born Sept. 18th, 1957. Mary recently retired from the St. Louis Zoo. Mary served in the Missouri Air National Guard during her lifetime.

Mary enjoyed travelling, and she loved R&B, soul music and she loved to dance. Mary was an avid reader Her favorites were sci-fi, and fantasy novels.

Mary is preceded in death by her sister, Diane Widel, her brother, Danny Daniels, and nephew, Jimmy Stoker.

Mary is survived by her husband, Ray Gulley, her mother, Vivian Leslie, nephews, Bill Daniels, and Mike Stoker, and great nieces and nephews, and many friends that called her family as well.

Mary will be cremated. There will be an interment at Jefferson Barracks Cemetery and the date is pending.

And in the end
The love you take

Is equal to the love you make.


  1. Kathy Greene on December 17, 2020 at 12:02 pm

    Gulley, Mary was a friend and sister to us all. Her smile and fun loving soul will live in us forever. I loved she enjoyed the beach and water like I did. Give her a Pepsi , good book and the sun and she was a happy lady. She always called me Aunt Kathy and we laughed because it was always so loving and genuine. I will always remember our parties and the next morning breakfast we shared . She did not know a stranger . She was one of a kind and I loved her dearly thank you for bringing her into our lives. And we love you Gulley.

  2. Amy Parsons on December 17, 2020 at 1:13 pm

    Mary’s smile & personality brightened the entire room. She was full of fun & love. Her happiness was contagious. Praying for her family.
    We love you Gulley!

  3. Buneta's on December 17, 2020 at 1:26 pm

    Every year for probably the last 10 years Gulley & Mary would come to Florida for her birthday. Two things had to happen; (1) we go out on the Inner coastal waterway and take Mary’s picture next to the numbered buoy that represented her age and (2) eat seafood on her birthday and don’t forget about the hard to find Slow Gin – “It’s my birthday”, “it’s my birthday”. We will truly miss those days with Mary. Mary is one-of-a-kind and we all loved her.

  4. Tammy (Greene) Hittler on December 17, 2020 at 1:46 pm

    Mary wasn’t just Mary to me. She was Aunt Mary. She was part of of our family. I have so many great memories with her. All of them I was laughing. Most importantly she was strong and a fighter. She never let anything get her down. She was one of a kind and loved us all like her own family. Gulley I am so sorry for your loss and wish I could see you to give you a big hug. Tracy and I thinking of you and sending love and prayers your way.

  5. John Happold on December 17, 2020 at 3:19 pm


  6. John Happold on December 17, 2020 at 3:28 pm

    You were my sister and my brother.You could hold your own anywhere with anybody never knew a stranger.All I needed was Mary and Ray Eileen myself music..preferably r and b..and of course some livations.Best times in the yard or the kitchen.I miss you my friend now and till my end.Nothing but love and good thoughts for you Miss Mary.

  7. Linda Deatherage on December 17, 2020 at 4:33 pm

    Gulley, When I first met Mary, I knew she was a keeper. She was funny, friendly, and knew how to have a good time. We had great times together over the years. She was my friend, a sister, and had my back when needed. I thank you for loving her, so we could love her too. I’m so sorry for your loss. We love you and hope to see you soon.

  8. Letha and Fariss Wade on December 17, 2020 at 5:02 pm

    Oh how Fariss and I loved Mary and Gulley. Rest in peace my friend, and Fariss and I wish you peace and comfort, Gulley.

  9. Amanda Coleman on December 17, 2020 at 6:55 pm

    There will never be another soul on this Earth like my Aunt Mary. She loved her family fiercely and we loved her right back. I am so thankful to have so many fun memories with her. The night she passed I wrapped myself in the baby blanket she made for my children so I could hug her one more time. Aunt Mary, I’ve loved you since the day we met at the roller rink and I always will. Gulley- this family is here for you as our heart is broken too. Hugs to all that knew and continue to love her.

  10. Eileen Happold on December 18, 2020 at 7:40 pm

    Ray I am so sorry. My heart is broken. I met Mary when she started dated Ray. I became very close to her. At one point I told Ray if he stopped seeing Mary,I would have to cut him loose as a friend and keep Mary. He knew he had a good woman,so they got married .Mary was my best friend. My family adopted her as one of their own. We loved her like a sister. She was one of kind. So genuine and loving. She was friendly to everyone. We always had do much fun together. She listened when I needed a shoulder to cry on.My life was better for having known her. I will never forget her .

    Ray whatever you need, we are here for you.

  11. Lisa Buneta on December 20, 2020 at 8:04 am

    I can’t believe you are gone! Although we were not formally related you will always be known as my “Aunt Mary”. The one thing about you that always stood out to me when I was younger was how loving and caring you were and how safe and worthy you made me feel! You were always a light in the darkness. One person that I could always talk to who made me feel like anything I had to say was of some importance. You truly made me have a positive sense of self-worth, continuously uplifting me regardless of where I was in my life. Never judging, just listening and sharing good advice. You were just always that person to make me feel so safe. People always remember all of her son made them feel and you already most selfless, caring, understanding, and loving person I have ever known. You were truly someone who touched my life and especially when I was a little girl, it’s like you understood and I could always relate to you. You brought so many people happiness and acceptance, you will be in my memories and heart forever. You are now in heaven and I’m sure you are one of the cards guardian angels. Look over us all and know that you are dearly missed and never forgotten. I love you Aunt Mary

  12. Margie & Dave on December 26, 2020 at 11:40 am

    Gulley,we are so sorry for your loss.Mary was a friend ,sister and Aunt .Mary was always there and fun to be with but most of all you knew she was family.Gulley please remember we are here for you.

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