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Max Storm

Floyd Max Storm, 80, beloved husband of Shara Storm for 57 years, slipped this earthly realm on January 18, 2020. Max leaves his wife; son Michael Dusty Storm; daughter Shara Janelle Storm; son-in-law Dom Gravagna; grandson Dominic Gravagna; sister Susan Koch; and numerous nieces, nephews, cousins and family members.


Max entered Ranken College in 1959, studying Architectural Drafting and Design, later teaching that same class following two years in the Army, being one of the last draftees of the 1960s. During his service he was assigned to a hospital base in Heidelberg, Germany. He and Shara enjoyed touring Europe in a 1952 Volkswagen; their favorite souvenir was son Dusty! They continued to share a lifelong passion for traveling the world.


Max and Shara made their home in Rock Hill, where he served as Ward II Alderman for 12 years. He was a passionate collector of memorabilia and historian of the St. Louis 1904 World’s Fair (Louisiana Purchase Exposition). In 1986, he founded the 1904 World’s Fair Society, which currently numbers about 275 members. He participated in the documentary “The World’s Greatest Fair,” for which he was awarded a Regional Emmy along with the production team.


Services: A Celebration of Life is scheduled for Saturday, January 25, at 10:30 a.m. at the Rock Church, Brentwood Campus, 9125 Manchester Road, St. Louis, Mo 63144. Donations may be made to the 1904 World’s Fair Society, In care of Sharon Mercer (1904 WFS), 13 Woods Trail Court, Saint Charles, MO 63303.



  1. Larry Gross on January 21, 2020 at 9:47 pm

    Max was an original. He was that rare person who could make friends with anyone, usually within minutes of meeting him. He was so easy to know. And he was also full of smart ideas, a leader, a doer, a great husband and father, and a whole lot of fun. I feel so lucky to have enjoyed the company of Max and Shara for 34 years. And, yet, now I wish I had spent even more time with Max. I loved the guy. Rest in peace, my friend.

  2. Mike Truax on January 21, 2020 at 10:47 pm

    Max Storm was a great person: a true visionary, interesting, and a wonderful friend to everyone he met. His founding of the 1904 WF Society in 1986 started an organization that has gone far beyond being just a club of people with a common interests. It grew into a large “extended family” that developed many long-lasting, personal friendships. His knowledge about the Fair was amazing, and he promoted the Fair and supported the Society in countless ways through 34 years. His “living legacy” of will continue far into the future through his family and friends, and in also in the 1904 World’s Fair Society. He was loved by all, and will be sorely missed by everyone.

  3. Yvonne Suess (aka Flash) on January 22, 2020 at 3:21 am

    Max, our last hug was on December 1. I remember it as being a sustained hug. But then, they always were. I always looked forward to our hugs.

    When I met you in 1985, as you were formulating the plans for the 1904 World’s Fair Society, I felt an instant bond with you. And it was more than our shared love of the Fair. You kept pulling out boxes and boxes of memorabilia, and Charles and I were blown away with you, your collection, your knowledge, and your love of life.

    When I learned of your passing, the first thing I thought of was all the wonderful friends that have passed before you. No doubt, Mary Ann greeted you with a name tag, but Louise, Ron, Pat, and my Mom Nell were all there to give you a welcoming hug. And I have no doubt that there was a long line of people waiting for their hugs.

    The world was a better place because of you. I was a better person because of you. My world will be forever changed without you in it. But your legacy will live on my friend. You were one in a million.

    Shara, Dusty, and Janelle … thank you for sharing this wonderful man with us. I know your hearts are breaking. Max was “The World’s Greatest Man”. My love and sincerest condolences to you all. {HUGS}.

  4. Denny Kempen on January 22, 2020 at 10:00 am

    I met Max at Union Station in 1986. He was starting the 1904 World’s fair Society and I jumped on the band wagon. Always wanted to know more about the great fair. I had only one item from the fair then. I got to know Max and his Love for the Fair and people. He was my mentor. I learned so much from him and the group. My knowledge grew along with his friendship. I was so sad to leave St. Louis in 1990 and the group. But Still remained in the Society and friends with Max & Shara on Face book. I will miss his friendship and his love and spirit. Rest in Peace my friend. Prayers go out to the whole family. Love you all.

  5. Jana Meehan on January 22, 2020 at 12:15 pm

    Max, my friend, unlike many who have posted and will post, I knew you fewer than three years. Certainly my error. I wish I had joined the WF Society long ago so that I would have had more time to investigate the bottomless well of knowledge that is your mind. This is to say nothing of the bottomless well of grace that is your heart. Now you are absent from your failed body and present with the Lord Jesus, and you have forever to explore the gifts of love God has for you.

    I’ll be behind you after a while. Keep my seat warm.

  6. Joan Truelove on January 22, 2020 at 12:49 pm

    It was very sad news to hear of your passing. I will cherish my last photo with you at our last Red Hat Pancake breakfast, You were the BEST Santa Claus Ever. Thank You for being there for us every Year. We Loved You, and You will be truly missed. Prayer for You Shara and your Family.

  7. Roger and Jeanette Grider on January 22, 2020 at 2:10 pm

    Max was truly one of the most warm, funny and knowledgeable people you could meet and Shara his perfect mate. They have brought sunshine into any room they enter. His was truly a “life well lived” and he will be missed in so many ways.

  8. Robert on January 22, 2020 at 2:14 pm

    God bless this family he was a great man

  9. Lisbeth Thom on January 22, 2020 at 3:42 pm

    Max was a special friend and 1957 classmate who made the world a better place. Peace to you Max and Blessingds to your family

    Lifsbeth Thom

  10. Eloise Hunt on January 22, 2020 at 4:26 pm

    I read of Max’s demise in Joe Holleman’s column in the Post-Dispatch Newspaper on 21 January 2020.
    I recall when Dusty and Janelle attended the old Schall School in Rock Hill with my son and daughter, Bryan and Danielle Hunt. Dusty and Bryan were in Cub Scouts together and played Little League softball together in 1974 with Msrs. Lemmie, Rogers, and Barnes as their coaches. I also recall that Max and wife Shara were always available to assist with PTA functions, the annual spring fair held at Schall School, and our scout and school activities. Max was a highly respected Alderman in Rock Hill and I also recall him sharing information with me about the 1904 World’s Expo held here in St. Louis and how knowledgeable he was on the subject, as I also had a personal interest in that event.

    I know that he will be deeply missed by his family and many others. I extend my heartfelt sympathy to his family.

  11. Angel on January 22, 2020 at 4:35 pm

    Max was one of a kind. Sorry for your lose Shara and the kids

    Love April (Angel) ????????

  12. Jeff Otto on January 22, 2020 at 7:13 pm

    Many times people do not realize how much they have meant to others. Hopefully Max knew just how special he was to so many people! There are numerous wonderful memories of time shared with Max: Dining at the Fin Inn, Hofbrauhaus, and after 1904 World’s Fair Society meetings, working together on 1904 World’s Fair Society items, sitting together in church, helping Santa with the Red Hat Church Ladies, and of course all of the 1904 World’s Fair Society activities. More than once Max said to me, “You’re all right, Jeff.” Well, you are too, my friend, you are too! You will be missed!!

  13. Kathy Beaver on January 22, 2020 at 7:42 pm

    I’ve known Max since about 1996. I met him in a Christian chatroom. Before long we had become friends. He counseled me during some hard times in my life and he made me laugh at the ridiculous in my life. I finally met he and his beautiful wife Shara in 2000. I had a brief stopover in St. Louis and they braved the airport to come see me! I don’t think i’ve ever met kinder or more loving people in my life! Max I am going to miss you. You have such a wonderful heart. I know I will see you again. I love you. Shara, my heart is with you. Much love beautiful lady.

  14. Perrin Stifel on January 22, 2020 at 8:02 pm

    My sympathy to Shara and family.
    Max always greeted me with his big smile and gracious welcome. I was special and I found out everyone felt that way when they were with Max Storm. His passion for life and humanity was always evident. He said that the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair was the perfect thing to collect because it encompassed everything. He was the consummate emcee and the humble audience member. He encouraged everyone to share and rejoice in the Fair.
    Max will be missed. This Society he founded will remember him for continuing the knowledge and excitement about the Fair. I will remember him for his love of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, his joie de vivre and faith, and for his friendship.
    Perrin Stifel

  15. Marilyn Jensen on January 23, 2020 at 12:20 am

    Dear Shara, this is so sad for you and your family. Please accept my deepest condolences. My memories are rich and lasting of you as a special couple. May the highways in heaven always be filled with Maxs rich life and your memories.
    Marilyn Jensen

  16. Stacey & Bill Jordan on January 23, 2020 at 7:06 am

    Can you say “rubber ducky project”?!!! Sweet Max was on a MISSION to convince my husband, Bill to join me at The Rock! He thought his catchy words of love & encouragement – via his “rubber duck of the week” just might work! His creativity began in 2018.
    Without fail, unless Max & his lovely “partner in crime”, Shara were on one of their exotic trips around the world, Max showed up with a “rubber duck”, quote included. We were awarded his last “rubber duck” on December 29th! We have quite a collection that we will forever cherish!
    I began attending the Rock Church early February, 2011. Max was one of the very 1st people to welcome me with open arms. I looked forward to his smile & words of wisdom each week. He always knew the words I needed to hear on any given Sunday!
    He will be missed. Our thoughts & prayers go out to his beautiful family.

  17. Patty and Jim Young - Rockhill Baptist on January 25, 2020 at 2:20 pm

    We will always remember Max’s smile and happy disposition. His genuine care for people was a mainstay of his personality. Our prayers for Shara and the family

  18. Don McAtee on March 25, 2020 at 12:00 pm

    My sincere condolences to Mrs. Storm and family. I just found out about this. Mr. Storm was my instructor at Ranken Technical College. He was a great instructor and mentor to many students and also shared his passion for the 1904 World’s Fair with us. I’m forever grateful for the knowledge he shared and for teaching us how to be gentlemen as well as have fun. May he continue inspiring all of us from heaven.

  19. Lisa Scott on April 17, 2023 at 11:16 am

    I don’t know why I woke up thing about Max this morning. I haven’t seen him in ages but knew him for a little over 10 years at Ranken Tech in the 70s & 80s. He was always such a nice man and so interesting. Since I met him I’ve always been on the lookout for good 1904 Worlds Fair memorabilia, each time I go to an estate sale or the like. I remember how during school summer vacations he’d grow out his beard and fight to keep it once he returned to work, he never won that battle in my 10 years there. But he loved having a beard. I’m so sorry to see that he has passed but he will always be remembered fondly.

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