St. Louis Cremation

Melvin Locke

Time Stood still and our world forever changed. God took his Angel home.

On November 22, 2017 we lost the person who was larger than life in our family, My Brother, Melvin Locke.

He was known by many names, Son, Father, Grandfather, Brother, Uncle and Friend. His favorite names were Dad and Big Papa. He always said his greatest accomplishments in life were his children and his greatest joy, his grandchildren.

One of my favorite stories about my brother was the time our mom fell in front of my house and twisted her ankle. She couldn’t walk inside, so my brother and I helped her. Now, you would think she would put her arms around our shoulders and hop inside, but no that’s now how it happened. I took one arm and one leg and Mel took one arm and one leg. We thought it would be fun to swing her back and forth while we walked, she however did not. Then my brother broke into song (I think the song was Just-A-Swingin). We were laughing so hard we had tears running down our face and I am pretty sure we wet ourselves a little. Long story short we never made it to the chair with her. Instead we dropped her and we all ended up on the floor laughing hysterically. She called us both fools.

One of his favorite sayings was “I’m as soft as medicated cotton.” That’s because although he had a hard and gruff exterior, he really was soft as medicated cotton inside. He would gladly give you the clothes off his back if you needed them… No really, He would literally give you his clothes and go home naked (true story). Image how shocked my mom and step dad were to see him coming down the driveway naked.

My brother had a way of making each person feel like they were the most special person in the world to him. Especially his family, family was so very important to him. He always said in the end family is all we have.

So for you, our special, goofy, amazing, loving man, no more pain. All your demons have been slain. We love you more than words can say.

Goodnight, sleep tight, until we meet again. Fly free on Angels wings.


  1. Donna Monroe on December 1, 2017 at 10:54 pm

    I will miss you every second of everyday for the rest of my life. From the first day I met you you were my best friend. We were supposed to go back to that great restaurant in St Charles that we went to with your mom and sister and family. I guess we can just do that in heaven. Until I get there rest easy my bestest friend. I love you. Always…

  2. Brandi on December 2, 2017 at 12:03 am

    Rest in peace Mel! You were truly an amazing man that loved his family more than anything! You will be greatly missed and you will never ever be forgotten that’s forsure! Watch over everyone… love ya!

  3. Barbara Nelson on December 2, 2017 at 7:56 am

    You said that very beautyful. Mel was a very very kind and sweet man.We are all going to miss him so much.My Prayers are with you and your family at this time.
    Barbara Nelson

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