St. Louis Cremation

Michael K. McLay

Michael K. McLay, 59, of Columbia, MO, passed away on Sept. 8 at Barnes-Jewish Hospital in St. Louis, MO.

As the child of a military family, Michael was born in Fort Sill, OK, and lived in many locations, the most memorable including Geissen, Germany, Baltimore, MD, and Lawton, OK. He graduated from high school in Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1974. He later graduated from the University of Iowa with both a BA in Religion and MA in Counseling. During his graduate studies, a practicum placement with the Iowa City Hospice planted him on his professional path.

After moving to Columbia, MO, in 1993, Michael became the first director of Seize the Day, an organization designed to provide assistance and respite for caregivers struggling with chronic or terminal illness. He later became a case manager with RAIN, directly serving individuals suffering from HIV/AIDS. His final work was as a public health manager with the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services. Michael’s retirement took on a different form of service as he fostered and adopted a wide array of animals.

Michael and Barbara were married in 1983 and their two children, Kelly and Christopher, were born two years apart in 1987 and 1989. From the very start, Michael served as an involved co-parent with his children and was happiest when working with people in need. His later years were given to the flowering of his spirituality, the seeds of which had been planted all along his life’s journey, and the fruits of which he graciously shared with friends and family, including his beloved sister, Karen.

Visitation will be held at 9:30 a.m. at Broadway Christian Church (2601 W Broadway, Columbia, MO) followed by a memorial service at 11:00 a.m.

Memorial donations may be made to the Central Missouri Humane Society ( and Broadway Christian Church (2601 W Broadway, Columbia, MO 65203).


  1. Penny Williams on September 15, 2015 at 4:04 pm

    Mike was a kind and generous man whom I will never forget. I have fond memories of one particular act of generosity. Mike took particular interest in talking about his kids and music. I shared with him that my son (who was around 12 at the time), played guitar. Mike had tickets at Jesse Hall to see BB King, but had to travel for work and couldn’t attend the concert. He generously gave the tickets to me and my son, so that my son could have the experience of a life-time. Little did we know when we got there, the seats were second row center… In addition, during the show, Mr. King addressed my son personally and singled him out during his performance. My son, who is now 23 still talks about that experience. Mike was the sole reason for this most memorable occassion in my son’s life and I will be forever greatful to him. I know he is going to be missed by many.

  2. Doug and Gina Muzzy on September 15, 2015 at 6:36 pm

    Barbara, Our deepest condolences are with you on the passing of Michael. Sincerely, Doug and Gina Muzzy

  3. Michael Stancil on September 16, 2015 at 10:23 am

    So sorry to hear about Michael’s passing. I worked with him at the Bureau of HIV/STD and Hepatitis for a few years before he retired. We always had great fun teasing and pulling tricks on each other. My condolences to his family, who he talked about constantly and so obviously loved. -Michael Stancil

  4. Tom Matthews Family on September 16, 2015 at 1:35 pm

    Barb, Kelly and Christopher: we were so sorry to hear of Micheal’s passing. We so wish we could be there but Mom’s health makes that impossible. Please accept our sincerest condolences.

  5. Libby Landrum, RN, MSN on September 16, 2015 at 5:18 pm

    To Barbara, Kelly and Christopher. I worked with Michael at the Mo. Dept of Health and Senior Services HIV/STD/Hepatitis Unit. I remember Michael as a dedicated and caring professional working with populations that needed helpers with those qualities. I am so sorry for your loss. May God comfort you in your sorrow and grief as only He can. Michael will be sorely missed. My sincere condolences. Libby

  6. Julie Gross on September 18, 2015 at 5:16 pm

    My heart goes out to Mike’s family. He was an amazing man and a great human being. The world needs more men like him. You will be missed Mike.

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