
Michael Vernon James

April 27th, 1951 — November 18th, 2022

Michael Vernon James April 27,1951 passed away peacefully November 18,2022.

Mike was a father, brother, grandparent, great grandparent, uncle, great uncle and friend. Loved dearly by so many.

Mike served our country from 1971-1973 as a United States Marine. From there he went into a career of manufacturing until retirement. He loved the St. Louis Cardinals and probably watched every game on television minus a few he seen in person.

Mike will be missed by so many friends and family, what a great loss. He now has joined all that have passed before him. Mike was able to donate tissue from his body that would benefit 12-15 recipients. As in life, he would do or give anything to anyone in need.
Luncheon to follow at a later date.


  1. Tina Simpson on December 2, 2022 at 12:30 pm

    Uncle Mike(Leroy) we had a great time over the last few years. Gonna miss getting on each other’s nerves but is was always good times. Gonna for sure miss 20 calls a day from you. Love and miss you bunches…. Your favorite niece… Tina

  2. Barbara James on December 2, 2022 at 2:33 pm

    Uncle Mike was one of a kind! We will miss you! Love always❤️

  3. Jessica Hawkins on December 2, 2022 at 5:54 pm

    Mike was a great brother, he was always willing too help anyone. He felt family was a treasure and he truly treasured each and everyone!! He joked around all the time, was generous, loving, kind and a blessing to everyone around, he loved playing cards, gambling and telling stories. He will be missed, my heart is broken — Mike not a day goes by I do not think, miss and pray for you!! All my love

  4. Edward James on December 12, 2022 at 9:29 pm

    Uncle Mike I will miss giving you trouble

  5. Edward James on December 12, 2022 at 9:34 pm

    Uncle Mike I will miss giving you trouble and bringing over dinners all the time It was fun to listen to your old stories about family.Uncle Mike was a very generous, kind person who was always willing to help a person in need You will truly be missed Thank you for serving our country.God Bless you..

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