St. Louis Cremation - unnamed

Nels C. Moss, Jr.

Nels Carlos Moss, Jr. was born on September 8, 1943. He went to be with Jesus on Monday, February 9, 2015, at the age of 71 after a battle with heart disease. He is survived by his Uncle Richard, the oldest living Moss at the age of 92; his four siblings: Mary Beth Schalk, Tom (Christine) Moss, Florence (Rick) Blum, and John (Margie) Moss; his four children, Bridget Moss (Patrick Murphy), Amy (Josh) Reed, Trey (Daryl) Moss, James (Ali) Moss; and 13 grandchildren, Flannery & Finnegan; Selah, Noelle, Kira, Zoe, & Micah; Aidyn, Beyla, Oaklyn, & Cypress; and Isabella & Margaret; and ex-wife, Catherine; and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. He was preceded in death by his father, Nels C. Moss, Sr. and mother, Dolores (Almon) Moss. Nels grew up with simple means. He was a lifelong resident of St. Louis, Missouri and a member of St. Pius V Parish. He attended Bishop DuBourg High School, St. Louis University, and Washington University School of Law.

Nels was a tireless worker who fought for justice as a prosecutor for more than 20 years for the City of St. Louis Circuit Attorney’s Office. He also worked for the St. Charles County Prosecuting Attorney’s office. His passion for justice continued when he retired from public service and started his own law firm. In private practice, he helped represent the St. Louis Police Officers Association, among other clients.

Known as “Bud” to many, he was a servant and a giver, often sacrificing his good for the good of others. He volunteered frequently for his parish and for his children’s schools, and was generous with his time and resources. He worked hard to provide for his family. Nels loved spending time at his cabin and boating on the Mississippi River. He was a man of faith and a friend to many. He was deeply loved by his family and friends and will be greatly missed.

A memorial mass will be held at 11 AM Sat., Feb. 14. at St. Pius V Church, 3310 S Grand Blvd, St. Louis, MO 63118. A gathering of remembrance and celebration will held immediately following the mass in Singler Hall at St. Pius. Friends and family are welcome to wish Nels goodbye and share stories of his life after the service. In Nels’ memory, donations can be made to BackStoppers at or the National Multiple Sclerosis Society at


  1. Joe Dzurko on February 11, 2015 at 6:29 pm

    Sorry for your loss … Your brother from PA Fire service “Belle Vernon Fire Company”

    Joe and Amy Dzurko

  2. John Almon JR on February 12, 2015 at 10:54 am

    I’ve been able remember Nels at daily Mass the past days and into the future. My thought and prayers to his extended family also for I am not able to attend memorial service this Saturday.

  3. Robert John on February 12, 2015 at 1:45 pm

    My deepest sympathy to the Moss family for their loss of Nels. Having had been working in law enforcement all my life, I had much contact with Nels at the Circuit Attorney’s Office. He was an excellent prosecutor and friend. Our prayers are with the family and my dear friend, John Moss.

  4. Jaime Moss on February 12, 2015 at 8:57 pm

    Just wanted you to know that the California and Idaho Moss family shares in this unexpected and premature loss of our Nels. He was so supportive of our family visit to St Louis, at my mom’s memorial service and acting as my dad’s (Richard Moss) best man at his second marriage. Truly he was one of a kind whose compassion, courtesy and constructive cynicism made our world a better place.

  5. Kathy (Moss) Bill Garcia on February 12, 2015 at 11:18 pm

    We are going to miss our wonderful, kind and “cool” cousin. We could not be more proud of you and a life well lived. There is a huge hole in our hearts and family tree. Uncle Richard and all of your California cousins love you are in our hearts, thoughts and prayers
    Rest well Cuz…..

  6. Donna Eblen Hicks on February 12, 2015 at 11:55 pm

    My deepest sympathy at this difficult time for you and yours.

    Soon may happy memories of times spent with your brother comfort you.

    Donna Eblen Hicks

  7. Elaine (Moss) Weathersbee on February 13, 2015 at 6:19 pm

    Remembering how my cousin use to kind of scare me with that authoritative Moss voice. Came to learn that he was really a kind and generous soul. How sad it will be not to see him rummaging through our or Uncle Richards bar looking for that good bottle of scotch on his visits to Sacramento. Will always be remembered with great affection and love. Now in God’s trusted hands.

  8. Uncle Richard L. Moss on February 14, 2015 at 2:04 pm

    Dear Niece’s and Nephew’s and Families-This is a hard one for me to write. Your father was very special to me and wife, Inez. She for only a very short period of time. As you all know our relationship has been for a life time. He was dearly loved and memories are so many and shall be remembered forever.
    My one regret is we were unable to even attempt trying to attend his memorial service. But we shall be there in spirit and with love.
    Our deepest sympathy and love to all of you. Peace be with all.

    Love you, your Uncle and Inez

  9. Sergeant Ron Hasty on February 10, 2018 at 10:17 pm

    Nels kept my butt out of the fire many times. Great Prosecutor and a person I was proud to call my friend. He think of him often while driving home in the hood or patrolling down his street. Rest in Peace “Bud”.

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