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Norma Jean Fischer

Norma Jean Fischer, July 23, 1937-June 22, 2022, age 84, passed away  peacefully at Delmar Gardens O’Fallon. Norma leaves behind her three  children, Vickie Webber (Jay), Kathy Rosner (Mark) and Joe Fischer  (Theresa). She also leaves 8 grandchildren, Dustin Webber (Allison), Casey Webber (Kayla), Chad Webber (Amanda), Brittany Rosner,  Brandon Rosner, Garrett Fischer, Julia Fischer and Marissa Fischer. She  was also blessed with 4 great grandchildren, Kenlie Webber, Logan  Webber, Landon Webber and Jackson Webber. 

Norma also leaves 8 brothers and sisters, Jim McCullough(Audrey), Bud  McCullough, Butch McCullough (May), Barbara Stine, Bobby  McCullough(Sandy), Kenny McCullough(Marilyn), Dottie Dufer(Doug) and Jackie Westrich. 

Norma was preceded in death by the love of her life, Harold J. Fischer  some 6 years ago. Her and Harold enjoyed 58 years of marriage before  his passing. With Harold she enjoyed the good things in life such as  bowling, travelling, deer hunting, fishing and church events. She often  shared fond memories of Air National Guard bowling tournaments and  international deployments that she accompanied Harold on. 

After raising her three children at home, Norma chose to go to work in  the food service industry including working as executive dining assistant  at Boeing for many years. Later on, after retiring from Boeing, she  worked in the kitchen at St Roberts/St Elizabeth Ann Seton to be closer  to her grandchildren. 

Norma enjoyed scrapbooking later in life and produced many albums of  memories for her friends and family. She always enjoyed a night out at  the restaurant, she was particularly fond of pizza and a beer!

Norma showed us all what it was like to be a good wife, mother,  grandmother and friend. We will all miss her in our own way. Last  week, Heaven got another angel and Norma wears her wings well. 

There will be a Catholic Mass held for Norma at St Elizabeth Ann Seton  Church on Thursday, June 30, 2022, at 11:00am. The church address is  1 Seton Court, St Charles, MO 63303. 

Burial service will take place after the Mass at Jefferson Barracks  National Cemetery at 12:45pm. Please plan on arriving 15 minutes early  for the procession. 

In lieu of flowers, please send donations to the Alzheimer’s Association.









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