
Norman E. Womack, Jr.

People would call him Norman, which seemed strange to me, because the ones that knew him best just called him Eddie.

Norman Edward Womack Jr., born April 26, 1956 in St. Louis Missouri, passed away September 13, 2020.

He grew up in Fredericktown Missouri, the son of Norman Edward Womack Sr. and Verna Ruth Womack.
He learned to work on cars from his Dad. This knowledge proved to be very valuable over the years. He was often called upon for his opinion when someone had a vehicle issue that needed diagnosed. He loved his Mom’s squirrel and dumplings. His Mother would worry when he picked up his shot gun and headed to the woods with the Family dog Tina, until he returned home safely.

At the age of 18, during the Vietnam War, he enlisted in the U.S. Army. Towards the end of basic training the unit was informed that the United States would be withdrawing troops from that area. He was deployed to South Korea as a combat engineer where he received a sharpshooter (rifle) marksmanship badge from the Army.

He married Cynthia Ann Johnston, in July 1978. They were married for 42 years and had two loving children, Ned and Jessica Womack.

Mr. Womack’s professional life was that of an owner operator and over the road truck driver. He worked as a truck mechanic in the St. Louis area for several years, eventually owning his own tractor tailor roadside assistance business.

His life’s passion was deer and turkey hunting. He made the most of his weekends with hunting, fishing and stock car racing along with playing country music on his old guitar. It was important to him that his passions be carried on by his children and the next generation.
One of his favorite movies was Robert Redford’s Jeremiah Johnson. He would quote it frequently, “Great hunter, fine figure of a man. This is all you need to know for now”. Then he would smile.

He was preceded in death by his loving parents Norman and Verna Womack and his son Norman Edward Womack, III (Ned).

He is survived by his beloved wife Cynthia Ann Womack (nee Johnston), daughter Jessica Ann Womack, son Joshua G. Hildrich, and three siblings: Claire Ellen Womack, Johna Jo Burns and Allen Ray Womack of South Carolina, as well as his grandson Robert Trail Hildrich and nephew Austin Michael Burns.


  1. Karen McDowell on September 23, 2020 at 8:56 am

    So sorry for your loss Cindy, you and family are in my prayers.
    May God comfort you during this difficult time.

  2. Jacque Lewis on September 23, 2020 at 9:10 am

    I am soooo sorry Cindy,…..this totally stinks….your family are in my prayers.

  3. Sheila Buadu on September 23, 2020 at 9:24 am

    Sending prayers and condolences to you and your family.

  4. Maureen Costello on September 23, 2020 at 10:22 am

    I am so very sorry Cindy. Please know that we are all thinking of you and praying for you and your family as you go through this incredibly difficult time.

  5. Risha Collins on September 23, 2020 at 2:29 pm

    Cindy WOMACK! Woo through it all you have been a very strong soldier; God Bless you throughout it all and afterwards. You are definitely in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time on the transition of your dear love one passing. PEACE!

  6. Debra Carter on September 24, 2020 at 4:21 pm

    Cindy you know that I will never stop praying for you and your family. Norm was a lucky man to have you and I know you feel the same about him. I will call and check on you later this week. God Bless

  7. Amanda on October 26, 2021 at 3:54 pm

    CINDY, this is Amanda from down the street; Angie’s sister.
    She just told grandpa today, we had no idea Eddy passed away until just now.

    Sorry for your loss, hope nothing but good vibes for you and Jessie. <3

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