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September 3, 1946 – October 18, 2020

We said good-bye to our beloved mother on Sunday, October 18, 2020 at the age of 74.

She was a selfless individual who would lend a helping hand in a moment’s notice. These are stories told time and again by her many friends who love and adore her.

Pat is survived by her two children, Tim and Lorna Bishop, siblings Bob Saito, Tom Saito, Barb (Les) Hager, and Dennis (Mary) Saito. Predeceased by her loving parents, Mitsuo and Rosie (Inukai) Saito. She will be dearly missed by all who knew her.

Special thanks to Missouri Baptist ICU who took special care of our mom and sister.

Memorial Services may be announced at a later date.

Donations in memory of Pat may be made

Centenary United Methodist Church, 55 Plaza Sq, St. Louis, MO 63103

Siteman Cancer Center:



  1. Lois Haller on October 22, 2020 at 4:21 pm

    She was loved by so many people. A bit of all our hearts is gone. Will see you at a later date and time. ❤️❤️❤️ Lois Haller

  2. Elaine Crawford on October 22, 2020 at 6:29 pm

    Her beautiful smile will be dearly missed. So much fun to be with, so kind and never a negative word. We miss you already. Love, Elaine and Richard

  3. E. June Luttrell on October 23, 2020 at 11:53 am

    Patty was my 1st friend when I moved into our home in Dogtown. We were both too young to cross the street to play with one another, so we ran up & down the street – each on our own side & played games – she on her sidewalk, me in the dirt & weeds on my side. I eventually was able to cross the street & play with her. One day when Mom called me home for lunch, a lady at the bus stop stopped me & asked if my mother knew I was playing with a “Jap.” I didn’t know what a “Jap” was. I ran into the house & asked, “Mommy, what is a Jap?” Mom wanted to know where I heard that word. She then went out & tied into the woman at the bus stop! I was supposed to stay inside, but I snuck out so I could hear. I was 5 & Patty was 3. Mom said the Saito Family was a wonderful family, well-respected & liked in the neighborhood. They were fine people! Then she told her Mitzie had served in the war & won a Purple Heart & other commendations for his services. She told the woman she was never to say anything bad about the Saito Family, or she would answer to my mom! I told Patty about this a few years ago.

  4. E. June Luttrell on October 23, 2020 at 12:17 pm

    We had a great group of friends in the Dogtown neighborhood, growing up. We were in and out of one another’s homes all the time. Patty was always popular with everyone because she laughed a lot & was everyone’s friend. When we were old enough, we would all pack a lunch & head over to Forest Park for the day to explore. The Zoo, the Art museum, the woods along Skinker Blvd, the waterfall, where we would walk barefoot across the slippery rocks, just to cool our feet off & sometimes stop & splash water on one another. Mr. Saito would bring out one of his beautiful hand-made kites sometimes & fly them for us. We also had sleepovers in my back yard because I had a place to have a campfire. My mom would tell us ghost stories & scare the heck out of us. But we ended up in giggles & crawled into sleeping bags or blankets on the ground & finally settle down. Then Mom would drive us to Forest Park sometimes & cook breakfast for all of us. Patty, Tot, Joan, Barb, & me. We had a game of looking for cute boys & Mom would honk the horn & we would holler out the window at the boys! Good times. We took turns as to “who got the cute boy.” We always remembered who was next! Tot, Patty, & I got together on a regular basis in our later years for lunches & outings to the Science Center or Art Museum. The last time we got to go, we were homesick for Dogtown, so went to a local restaurant there. Pat was always so cheerful, even when things were getting bad for her & for Lorna, her daughter. I spent many hours with Pat on the phone because she could not leave Lorna anymore. Those were sometimes very hard times for us because my friend would end up crying, but she didn’t want to not talk. She needed to tell her story to me. I love my friend so much. She is a part of who I am & I will always carry my dear friend in my heart. Some day maybe, I can think of her without crying & only remember the fun stuff. Pat Saito Bishop was one of the strongest women I have ever known. I know where she is now & look forward to seeing one of my best friends in Heaven some day. I love you, Patty.

  5. Vicki Dozier - Boyd on October 23, 2020 at 2:10 pm

    I loved Pat as a sister and my Dozier family was blessed to absorbed her into our family. We met in 1978 working at TWA. I transferred to Kansas City in 1991 and Pat transferred shortly after me to Worldspan owned by TWA.
    She was Aunt Pat to our children. We have so many wonderful personal and business related memories…. too many to list here. I have been very fortunate to call Pat one of my dearest friends in life.
    Pat was at so many family functions through the years. Birthdays, weddings, funerals… she was an integral part of our family.
    When Pat retired from Worldspan to move back to STL my husband, sons and I were helping load the Uhaul that Jim Blue drove to STL.

    Pat nannied my brothers children, Aly and Aiden, in STL for several years. They loved her so very much. They first called her Miss Pat which rapidly changed to Aunt Pat.
    Pat, I love you and will miss you.
    Prayers to Lorna, Tim and your family.
    Thank you for blessing my life with your friendship. ❤️❤️❤️

  6. Tanya M. Tesone on October 23, 2020 at 3:30 pm

    To my Pal in Heaven, Pat Bishop
    I am fortunate to have called Pat Bishop a close Friend. This is so hard to use the past tense for my Pat. We met at TWA Reservation Office in downtown St. louis, Mo. in the late 1960’s. Ours was an amazing friendship. I was a Loud Italian; Irish Gal & Pat a quiet 100% Japanese Gal. We traveled the world, especially the beaches of Hawaii; before she settled down with Lee & had 2 fabulous children, Tim & Lorna.
    You do no often find someone that truly loves everyone & treats all with respect; and more importantly; always kept in touch. That is exactly what Pat did. Pat has had so many occupations over these incredible years. Pat loved Golf as I did. she was so much better than I was.
    Ove of the truly wonderful aspects of Pat was her Kindness; her honest consideration of others but most of all; her total commitment to her wonderful family & so many friends. she never complained; not once. She was always upbeat; even in the darkest of hours.
    I hope that you have had or will have an incredible friendship as Pat & I had. It is truly a Treasure. I am so grateful to have shared her remarkable Love of Life & Family & to be pals with this Gal that everyone Loved. I know Pat ascended into Heaven in First Class & after visiting the Saito Cloud; Pat is is over on the TWA Cloud watching down & blessing all of us. RIP PAT & GOD BLESS. Love ya TAN.

  7. Joanne (Chamberlain) Hurst on October 23, 2020 at 5:36 pm

    Pat & I worked together at Travelport. She always helped others. Pat was super sweet and kind. She was also very knowledgeable. After I retired to Phoenix, Vicki Boyd and Pat came to visit me. We had such a good time. Some memorable moments. We drove in my convertible up to Jerome and Cottonwood. Besides ruining 2 tires in my BMW, we were on our way back to Phoenix. I tend to drive fast ???? but I looked in the the mirror and saw Pat’s face. Then I looked at the odometer and I was flying down the mountain at 90-95 miles an hour. So I slowed down a little bit. That BMW
    hugged the road. Vicki has rode with me many times so she was fine but I don’t think Pat ever forgot about it. She never said anything and was a real trooper. So happy I was able to see Pat & Vicki for several days. It was a delightful time. The world has lost a wonderful person. R.I.P. God Bless!

  8. Jane Steinhauer on October 25, 2020 at 5:37 pm

    Pat was one of those people who never missed a beat… Always busy planning events, always inviting everybody, one of the most generous, up beat, caring & selfless person I’ve ever known. She really fought the good fight and stuck around as long as she could… I’m heartbroken, she’ll always have a place in my heart.

  9. Joan Peimann Dallavis on October 25, 2020 at 9:48 pm

    Pat was my sister’s friend from TWA . Then as time allowed I came to call Pat my friend as well. She became our “Soul”/ “Sole” Survivor for our “Race for the Cure” Team: Mary’s Garden. The Team name was the inspiration of Kathy O’Leary’s mom – Mary. Pat walked with us and we so treasured her participation. We also attended MOBOT concerts and the SLSO outdoor concert on Art Hill also became a tradition. Sometimes just got together for drinks and a few laughs. Pat was truly a joy to be around as many have already so aptly stated. Pat’s first concerns were always her family. She became a cheerleader for my sister Gene as she also fought Breast Cancer They shared a Dr and so much more as breast cancer often draws ladies much closer. Pat will indeed be missed. I will continue to keep Lorna and Tim in my prayers. Though her voice has been quieted; her spirit echoes still *

  10. Nancy Hatcher McMahon on October 26, 2020 at 12:22 pm

    I am so heartbroken and yet feeling so blessed to have had a friend such as Pat in my life. She was one of a kind and always had that beautiful smile and the most wonderful infectious laugh. A real treasure to be remembered always. Rest in peace Pat. My heart and prayers are with Tim and Lorna and all the family.

  11. Sharon Gebhardt on October 26, 2020 at 2:26 pm

    OMG!!!! I can’t believe this sad news. Pat was a great, fun loving, old TWA pal. She will be sorely missed. My heart goes out to her kids and family.

  12. Lynn Kreuter Miltenberger Engers on October 28, 2020 at 4:07 pm

    Pat was a friend at TWA. We worked together and she was always so NICE! I mean nice all the time to everyone. I am so lucky to have been her friend. Very sad to learn of her passing. I’m so sorry to her long time friends and her family. ~Lynn Kreuter Miltenberger Engers

  13. Cecilia Labora on October 28, 2020 at 7:34 pm

    Dearest Pat,
    You will be so missed. You were such a beautiful human being, so kind, always positive, a true joy to be around. I will treasure our times together and feel very lucky to have met you and proud to have been your friend. Rest in peace beautiful Pat. I love you friend.

  14. Cecilia Labora on October 28, 2020 at 7:36 pm

    Dear Lorna, Tim and family,
    My deepest condolences. My thoughts and prayers are with you. May GOD give you strength to endure this terrible loss.

    Warm regards,

  15. Patsy Allison on October 28, 2020 at 11:32 pm

    I am so very sorry, and my deepest sympathies to the family. I am honored to have known Pat, and to have worked with her both at TWA and Worldspan. Pat’s beautiful smile, kindness, and caring ways are something I will never forget. Yes, heaven just got another angel.
    God bless you, Pat.
    Love, Patsy Allison.

  16. mike / martha evans on November 1, 2020 at 9:26 am

    Pat was the “organizer” of social events, keeping us alerted as to community music concerts. Always smiling and upbeat even though she was experiencing her own health problems as well as her family. The “caregiver” to her world around her. Good old TWA pal with stories fun to hear. Will raise a glass of adult beverage in her honor at next outdoor music venue.

  17. Amy Roberts on November 22, 2020 at 11:24 am

    I knew Pat through her daughter, Lorna.
    Lorna and I were best friends in high school. I was always at Lorna’s house after school and weekends. Her mother was always very kind and opened her home for all of Lorna’s friends. As we got older, and Lorna and Pat moved to St.Louis, and we were always still welcome in her home. I would visit Lorna from time to time and when I would, her mother would always reach out to me wanting to see me.
    She loved her children so very much. She was so proud of them.
    She will be deeply missed.
    I pray God wraps his arms around Lorna and her brother and all of Pats family during this trying time and provides peace.
    I love you my Lorna loo. And Pat- I hope to see you again someday in the kingdom of Heaven.
    Amy Roberts

  18. Lorie Kram on December 31, 2020 at 12:16 pm

    Lorna, Tim, and Pat’s beloved family–
    It’s taken me months to gather the fortitude to send a note. Pat was one of the most instrumental and loved people in my world. I was raised alongside Tim and my brother raised alongside Lorna. Had mom and Pat (along with Aunt Tannie, Jeanne, Linda, Nancy, and the rest of the TWA crew) not worked together, my life wouldn’t be as joy-filled with such memories as it is today. With a broken heart from losing both of my parents, I was absolutely devastated with the news of Pat. Everyone else has said it–she was the most generous, loving, kindhearted, caring soul. Her voice and “way” will never be forgotten. It lives on with each and every thought of her. Sending love — Lorie

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