St. Louis Cremation

Peggy Kachulis

Peggy Ann Kachulis (nee: Mittler) of Shrewsbury, MO, passed away on Monday, February 6, 2023, at the  age of 75 years. She was passionate about the environment, education, and social justice. Peggy did her  work in the world in a quiet manner with a hilariously dry sense of humor. With all her life activities, she  touched many lives and organizations. 

She was born on February 18, 1947, in Washington, MO, to the late Grover Herman and Ella Wilhelmina  (nee: Ahmann) Mittler. During her young adulthood, Peggy traveled to National Parks and Europe with  her mother and on her own. From then on, she became a world traveler. She attended Missouri State  Teacher’s College (now Truman State University). Her career started in Troy, MO as an elementary  school teacher, where she worked with Gloria Kachulis, interestingly the mother of her future husband. 

Wearing a blue wedding dress, Peggy was united in marriage to Paul William Kachulis on June 12, 1976,  in Marthasville, MO. They spent 46 years together and raised a beautiful family with two children,  Christina and Andrea. Peggy was their rock, their biggest cheerleader, and one of their best friends. 

Before becoming a dedicated stay-at-home mother for the younger years of her children’s life, Peggy  received a master’s degree in education. While the kids were young, she volunteered as a Girl Scout  leader, spent hours volunteering at Peace United Church of Christ (formerly Evangelical United Church  Christ), and worked with the League of Women’s Voters. Later, Peggy returned to work part-time at the  Mother’s Center Day Care and then full-time at the University City Children’s Center. An essential part  of the family’s life was travel, from Branson to Walt Disney World to Europe. She instilled a love and  curiosity of the world in her children and gave them the wings they needed to explore. 

After retiring, Peggy continued to serve her community in numerous ways. She spent over a decade  volunteering at the EarthWays Center with the Missouri Botanical Gardens. She also spent time volunteering with the Oasis Tutoring group with Webster Groves School District, working with students  at Hudson Elementary School. Other volunteer organizations included First Night, the Festival of  Nations, St. Louis Circus Flora, and the Webster Groves Art Fair. Peggy also continued to travel and  explore with her family as much as possible. 

Peggy’s Celebration of Life will be held at 1 pm this Saturday, February 11, 2023, at Eden Seminary in  the Werhli Chapel, 475 East Lockwood Ave, Webster Groves, MO. Reception to follow in the commons at Eden Seminary. In lieu of flowers, the family would appreciate donations to an Environmental Fund  that will be established in Peggy’s name. Please make checks payable to Peace United Church of Christ,  noting a donation to Peggy’s fund in the memo.


  1. Lil Lau on February 10, 2023 at 8:22 pm

    I will always remember the twinkle in Peg’s eye, her wonderful dry humor. She had an inner calm that radiated. I am fortunate to call friend.

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