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Penney Johnson Thomas

(Alice) Penney (Johnson) Thomas of St. Louis, MO died peacefully with her son by her side on Friday Jan. 13th, 2023 at the age of 88. She is survived by her son Todd Thomas. She is preceeded in death by her parents G.P. and Claire (Rendlen) Johnson, her brother Theodore Rendlen Johnson and his ex-wife Anne (Black) Johnson, her ex-husband John (Jack) Burton Thomas, and her infant son. A memorial celebration will be held at The Episcopal Church of the Advent, 9373 Garber Rd. with services starting at 11am Sat. Jan. 21, 2023 and a pot luck luncheon to follow.

Penney retired in 2006 from Fontbonne University after 25 years as the General Services Supervisor. She was a hard working single mother and didn’t let retirement slow her down. She used her time to travel, make new friends, explore her creative side and her love of all things natural. She was an amazing artist, an avid reader, a lover of games, a gardener, a woman of strong faith and service, and she always found God’s love in all things. She was a member of Embrace Church for many years before her death and found love, inspiration and support in their community.

Penney will be fondly remembered as an intelligent, gentle, compassionate woman who put friends, family, faith, and service to others before herself. Remember her when you are in nature, when you watch birds, when you help others, when you laugh with and love one another or when you are having a bad day and need a friend. She will be there. In lieu of flowers you may donate to Embrace Church at


  1. Joni Prittie on January 19, 2023 at 4:35 pm

    Dearest Penney has been my wonderful friend for 54 years. We
    have laughed, created, fostered kittens and wildlife for all this
    time. Penney has left a trail of love, kindness and good work
    all along the journey. Love you forever precious friend! Thank
    you for gracing my life.

  2. Karen Boudreau on January 19, 2023 at 5:18 pm

    Penney and I met as neighbors in 2016. I moved in across the apartment from her. We were fast friends and are whole apartment house became a family. Penney was a very smart independent and talented woman that I admired and loved dearly. Her love of nature,the arts and women’s rights were impeccable. She will be missed dearly.

  3. Paul Sampson on January 22, 2023 at 2:52 pm

    I never personally met Penney in person, but found her in my mothers computer contacts when I moved her to California with me.
    I let all of my mothers friends know where she was.
    (Penney would take my mother to Tai Chi lessons as Penney had a car, mom did not.)
    Penney Thomas. Going out of her way to help a friend.

    Penney was ALWAYS available for some “girl chat” with my mother who had memory loss. I would often call Penney when mom was having a “meltdown,” as I knew, in a way, Penney was doing “Gods work. Not important how Penney made ME feel, but she put my mother at ease, which in turn, put ME at ease. There’s Penney, doing a “two-fer” just by “being there,” and being a good person. EVERY TIME, I put my mother on the phone with Penney, she lit up like a Christmas tree.

    Again, while I never met Penney in person, I became really close with her over numerous telephone calls thru the covid years. While I am sad of her passing, it brings me comfort to have known such a WONDERFUL human being. Penney was a TRUE DIAMOND!

    My mother and Penney, are friends reunited, as they dance in the skies of God, in the form of Tai Chi!

    You will be sincerely missed Penney by all those who loved you, and I am one of them.

  4. Steven James Foelsch on January 23, 2023 at 6:11 pm

    I never had the privilege to meet Penny. I only know of her through my friendship and conversation with her son, Todd who has become a very good friend of mine. I think I really missed out on her conversational magic. Especially when Todd had told me about her interest and degree in anthropology. I have known Todd for more than a decade and all through their time we have shared stories about growing up in their interesting family members. Thanks Penny, people like Todd just don’t happen by accident.

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