St. Louis Cremation

Peter Farrelly

Peter Farrelly passed peacefully late on January 23th, 2017.
He’s survived by 3 children, Beth, Kristen & (Re)Pete Farrelly, and 3 strong grandsons.
Big Pete embodied his Maker’s humility, kindness, charm, & wisdom.


  1. Peter mc on January 28, 2017 at 9:49 am

    Hugs cuz…

    Peter mc
    Columbia , mo

  2. Susan Cottrill Borders on January 28, 2017 at 10:38 am

    I was the stepdaughter of Peter Robert Farrelly, Sr. I lived with my Mom, Peter Robert Farrelly, Jr. (as my Mom would call him, Repete), My stepdad, I called him my dad, and my other brother from three years old to eighteen years old. He potty trained me :-), taught me tennis, taught me to love a Higher Power, took me to church almost every Sunday. He was a very good man, a very kind man, a very gentle man, a very smart man. I loved him to, Peter Robert Farrelly, Jr. He was a part of my life just as much as he was yours. Thank you.

  3. Beth Farrelly on March 21, 2017 at 3:45 pm

    Fond Memories Daddy!

    Have a Nice Flight!

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