Peyton Marie Tapia

November 13th, 2023

Our beautiful little angel, Peyton Marie Tapia, was delivered at 4:30 a.m. on Monday 11.13.2023. 5lbs, 18.75” tall. 

While we only had 35 weeks and 4 days with her, she had already impacted our lives beyond measure and we are truly heartbroken. We cannot thank our amazing families and friends enough for all of the support since we received the sudden and devastating news on Sunday morning that our little girl’s heart had stopped without explanation. Our amazing Doctor and team of Nurses at MoBap worked tirelessly to provide us and her big brothers with the precious time we needed to hold and love our perfect little girl. 

Peyton will always be with us, living on in our hearts. We know she was and is loved more than words can describe and thank her for the angel signs she had already sent us in those first few days watching over us as our guardian angel.

We wish to remember Peyton as the daughter we love, not a secret to be kept silent. We know our hearts will take time to heal, and we appreciate your care and support in our grief.

“…until we meet again, may God hold you in the palm of His hand.”

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