St. Louis Cremation - IMG_0424

Reva D. Phillips

Reva D. Phillips, age 59, died peacefully, surrounded by family and welcomed into heaven on Saturday, February 13, 2016. At her request, no service will be held.

Reva is survived by her soul-mate and the one true love of her life; Mark Sellmeyer, sisters-in-law; Roberta Michalik , Joanne Mitchell, Maria Dorn, Michelle Sellmeyer; brothers-in-law; Kurt Sellmeyer, Robert Dorn, Wayne Michalik; numerous nephews, nieces and cousins.

She died as she lived, always providing a warm smiling face and a caring hand, putting family, friends and people first. She was indeed, our ray of sunshine. She touched the lives of all that knew her, and will forever be remembered in our hearts and mind. May she rest in God’s loving arms. She is now at peace, home at last.



  1. Margo Dannenberger on February 18, 2016 at 12:12 pm

    My condolences to Mark and the rest of Reva’s family.Reva was a good friend and a good person to confide in. She will be missed more than I can ever express in words. The world will be a sadder place without her. May she rest in peace.

  2. Tami Webb on February 18, 2016 at 2:21 pm

    Reva will truly be missed. Although I only knew her for a short time threw business, it was always a pleasure to hear her voice on the other end and speak with her. I am sure heaven was thrilled to receive her.

  3. Kandra Morgan on February 18, 2016 at 3:41 pm

    Reva will be missed! She always was willing to help, always had a smile on her face. My thoughts with you and the Laclede family.

  4. Starla Parson on February 18, 2016 at 3:43 pm

    My condolences to Mark and family!! I truly enjoyed working with Reva for over a year and she really meant a lot to me!! R.I.P Reva!!! Love and prayers go out to the family!!

  5. Bobbi Michalik on February 18, 2016 at 8:18 pm

    The days seem empty..the nights feel longer..the sun doesn’t seem to shine as bright, but I knew you had to leave..the time was right. It was time for you to go, and because of who you were, you just couldn’t say no. God wanted you back…you accomplished your goal.

    I want you to know, He gave me a “friend” that I will never forget…we’re bonded forever, from the moment we met.

    Memories last forever…never do they die…true friends stay together and never say good-bye.

    Fly high, Reva!

    God promised when the time is right, He’ll call “my” name and it will be all right. We’ll meet again and smile with glee…we’ll be together again….you and me!!

  6. Timothy Finnegan on February 18, 2016 at 9:08 pm

    With deepest sympathy and condolence to Mark and the rest of the family. May your loved one rest in peace. Though she is gone her love for you remains and always will within your hearts and may her spirit guide you and give you strength and comfort. Rest in peace Reva.

  7. Tee Sonethongkham on February 18, 2016 at 11:52 pm

    Reva was a gentle soul, who was willing to give love and an ear to those she knew and love and considered her friends. She was quick with a smile. No matter how bad your days was, her smiles made it better. I will definitely miss talking to her as we share a smoke and talking about nothing important on the bench outside.

  8. Mary Keys on February 20, 2016 at 7:05 am

    I’m so sorry to hear this, I only had a chance to work with Reva a short time while she trained me at Laclede Cab but she was a joy to be around always willing to help, she will be truly miss. I am keeping the family in my prayers

  9. Joi on February 20, 2016 at 5:39 pm

    Reva u will be missed praying for mark n the rest of your family

  10. Tony and Lisa Dorn on February 21, 2016 at 2:51 pm

    So sorry to hear of Reva’s passing. Uncle Mark please know that we love you and are here for you. I really enjoyed the time we got to interact with Reva and she was a wonderful part of our family time every holiday. Rest in peace.

  11. Maria Dorn on February 23, 2016 at 2:26 pm

    Reva is missed greatly Her optimism and positive attitude made everything seem okay. She never dwelt on the negative. She had no time for sad sacks and was always pointing out everything good around us. She was always counting her blessings. She knew she was loved.

    Reva was a blessing to me and many others. One Christmas she and Mark gave me and Bob a piggy bank filled with change amounting to $44. They told us it was money they found throughout the course of the year. Instead of just counting their lucky stars and spending it on themselves, they wanted to pass it on. Inspired by their generosity, Bob and I are spreading joy to those we encounter along the way; I.e, in line for coffee or at the drive up window at McDonalds.

    Reva was joyful and a pleasure to be around. She was a ‘hoot’ and hosted the BEST holiday parties for our family. She brightened our lives just by being in them. Thank you God for the blessing of Reva and while she couldn’t stay here longer, I’m so grateful she made it into our lives for the time we had her. Our loss is heaven’s gain.

  12. Megan on April 20, 2017 at 11:41 pm

    This might be a dead end. I am Revas niece (her sisters daughter). I am looking for people who knew my aunt I have some questions and if you could ask her other half contact me. Her daughter and sister would like to know what happened see our family had a disagreement please help we just found this out.
    Thank you Megan

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