Rex Hooton

Rex R. Hooton was born August 27, 1940 in Riverton, Iowa to
Charles A. and Bertha (Ward) Hooton.  He went home to be with
the Lord on Friday, May 31, 2024.  He was 83 years old.

Rex was a radarman for the United States Navy from 1958-1961.
On February 24, 1962 he married Kathlena (Kathe) Temeyer,
who survives. Together they had four children, who survive.:
Eric (Shelly) Hooton – Cortez, Colorado
Tara (Tony) Simmons – Farmersville, Illinois
Shay Ewing – Newburg, Missouri
Rex Britt (DeAna) Hooton – Hopkinsville, Kentucky.
In addition there are 6 grandchildren, 13 great-grandchildren
and 2 great-great grandchildren.   Othersurvivors include
2 brothers, 2 sisters, a multitude of nieces, nephews
and otherfamily and friends.  Rex was preceded in death
by his parents and one brother.

Rex and Kathe made their home in Independence, Iowa until 1978 when
they moved to St. James, MO.  Everyone that  knew Rex knew how much
fun he was.  Whether riding motorcycles or horses, it was always
a great time if Rex was along for the ride.  His sense of humor was
unmatched, and though a strict disciplinarian with a no-nonsense
method of raising kids, he not only partnered with Kathe to raise
their own four children, but also numerous foster children.

In addition to a radarman, Rex also spent many years in the automotive
industry.  Rex and Kathe worked together the last 10 years of their
working careers at Presbyterian Manor in Rolla, MO  before retiring
to their country home where Rex raised calves… and hell.

Many men may have been loved as much as Rex,
but no man was ever loved more.


  1. Alyce Frayer on July 20, 2024 at 11:37 am

    When Rex and happy moved to the countryside outside of St James Missouri they were a wonderful addition to my family. My mom and dad absolutely thought the world of both of them. There were times many of them actually that they would just go to visit with my mom and dad and that took such a load off of my mind because I was usually at work. As far as neighbors go you could not ask for better people. My favorite memory of the two of them is I wanted to buy my mom and dad their first microwave oven and I got the two of them to go along with it. The only way I was going to get it in the house and set up properly without them knowing it was if they were gone which was very very rare. But the two of them got my mom and dad to come up to their house and my mom told me on the phone just a little bit before I left home to go deliver this thing that she didn’t think they were going to go and I’m like well why not you need to go you need to get out amongst the people so I was able to convince her of it. My dad actually saw my car coming down the highway and told my mom I think that’s bear and Mom said no she knew we weren’t going to be home she wouldn’t come out here tonight. That was the kind of thing that they were so good at. I haven’t seen either of them in a very long time but I do have several good memories of both of them. Kathe, I am so sorry for your loss I know you will miss him so so much and I know your kids will too. I love you Kathe always have and always will. You were so instrumental in saving my life after my mom passed without you and Rex I don’t know what would have happened. But you were there for me when I committed my life to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ❣️❣️🙏🙏 I know you have a front seat to heaven but I will still continue to pray for you after your loss. I love you.

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