
Richard Eugene Kreutztrager

Richard Eugene Kreutztrager 82, Best friend to Sandra Kreutztrager-Doherty, loving father to, John, Barbara & Karen, grandpa, great grandpa, brother, cousin and uncle. Friend to many.

Rich worked for over 60 years in the Air Freight/Trucking business.
“Big Rich” will be missed by his many friends at Meyers Bar


  1. Karen Johns on June 8, 2022 at 9:36 am

    No matter where I am your spirit will be beside me. I know that no matter what you will always be with me. I thank god everyday for giving me my Dad. I know he must really love me cause he gave me the best he had. Our hearts are broken but we know god has you in his hands and is taking care of you. You will always be loved and missed forever.

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