
Robert DuChateau

Robert DuChateau (October 9, 1943 – January 24, 2025), beloved husband to Connie Browne DuChateau (nee Campbell), passed away peacefully at his home with his wife at his side. The two re-connected late in life, brought back together from her discovery of a piece of art he added to her sweatshirt years ago as they mutually attended Western Illinois University.

He was an extremely talented and accomplished artist, while under-appreciated widely, his art does grace the homes of his admirers in three countries. Bob’s creative talent continued with the drawing of crazy characters that included humorous messages – which was a special treat for those receiving them as greeting cards. Another unknown talent was Bob’s love of singing and music. By punching an imaginary number on an imaginary jukebox, Bob would burst into song of some well known tune.

Bob loved getaways to Missouri vineyards and quaint historical river towns, visiting museums, botanical gardens, attending concerts by favorite musicians, solving crossword puzzles, reading many articles and books and enjoying time with family and friends. Golf also offered much pleasure and laughter with special friends.

A die hard Green Bay Packers fan, a lover of British mysteries and art of all kinds, always quick with a joke, his spirit will live on through these things as well as those he left behind.

Following college Bob spent four years in the Naval Intelligence Group with time in Hakata, Japan, Vietnam and Washington D.C. After the Navy Bob had a successful career with Navistar International Corporation as a Facility Project Manager then went on to become Executive Vice President for Hiffman Shaffer Associates, Inc. overseeing greater than 200 facilities for the First National Bank of Chicago, American National Bank and NBD Bank. Bob finished his career as President for Alliance Property Management Group, a commercial property management firm.

Born in Chicago, Illinois to Harold and Eveleen (McKone) DuChateau. He is survived by his brothers Paul DuChateau, Phil (Rita) Duchateau and son Andy (Mei Li) DuChateau, Uncle to Jim (Genevieve), Michael (Anna), Kathryn (Thomas), Robert (Whitney), Christian (Melissa), Charles (AnnBritt) and Danielle DuChateau. Through marriage, sister-in-law Lucia (David) Oswald, uncle to Laura (Doug) Short, Becky (Bryan) Cox, and Jill (Ben) Witting, 3 grandchildren and great uncle to 13. Preceded in death by his parents and sister-in-law Sarah DuChateau (Paul).

Forever grateful for all the friends and family that
supported Bob through the many hospital and rehab stays.
Thankful for all the supplies and caregivers from the Veterans Affairs,
Delmar Gardens home health care and SSM hospice that
provided kindness and dignity.

In Bob’s best Dean Martin voice he would often say “Well I’m gonna leave you now and go over to the couch” ….. Farewell dear one.

Contributions in Bob’s memory can be made to PBS/Nine
Network (Ketc Channel 9 St. Louis) Bob enjoyed the British
mysteries, This Old House, Finding Your Roots, cooking shows, Antiques Roadshow and The Newshour along with various specials. Celebration to honor Bob’s life will be held at a later date.

“The clock of life is wound but once
and no man has the power
to tell just when the hands will stop
at a late or early hour.
Now is the only time we own.
Live, love, toil with a will.
Place no faith in time,
For the clock may soon be still.”
Robert H. Smith
(found in Bob’s notes)


  1. Pam and Peter Mahoney on March 8, 2025 at 12:30 pm

    Bob was one of the teally great guys.A gentleman, always quick with a quip. Bob always asked how everyone”s family was and sincerely wanted to be kept up to snuff on who was where, doing what. Bob was a truly gifted artist whose unique art work always brings a smile. Memories about dear Doodles. Rest peacrfully till we meet up on the other side.

  2. Debra and Steve Paulus on March 8, 2025 at 1:20 pm

    Bob was truly a “one-of-a-kind” guy. Always ready to enjoy a good laugh with us…and always appreciative of the close relationship we had established over the too-few years we had together. We will always hold memories of him very near & dear…all of the many fun times spent together and of all the conversations with had with him…some really heavy-duty, some just light-hearted. Bob was an awesome conversationalist!
    We are truly grateful to our dear friend Connie for bringing Bob into our lives. Be at peace, Doodles! Quite sure we’ll have even more fun together on the flip side!

  3. Molly and Frank Peterson March 9 12:30PM on March 9, 2025 at 12:37 pm

    Our Bob! What a piece of work! He and Connie were one of our dearest couple friends. Always funny, well informed and curious. We miss him, but our fond memories we will have forever. We are grateful that he is at peace❤️

  4. Sherry Gilmour on March 10, 2025 at 11:24 pm

    I love all the photosof Bob at many different ages,…especially loved seeing him young & healthy & Oh So Handsome!!!. Always a welcome smile. Bob had a very strong life loving energy that he expressed in all he created with his talents & all he loved with his big warm heart. He was a faithful friiend & companion. He will be missed by all his family & loving friends, but most of all his belovid wife & helpmate Connie, who wrrapped him in her loving care. His wit & ptofuse talents will be fondly remembered by all
    who knew Bob.

  5. Sheryl Hogan on March 13, 2025 at 2:20 pm

    What a beautiful life for a beautiful person, I wish I could have spent more time with. Bob. I was fortunate to meet Bob through Connie, my dear friend from Western Illinois U, Connie and Bob were meant for each other, they enjoyed so many things together, music, art, travels and meeting new people. I think I know a little of how difficult this is Connie, you lost a wonderful person. but his spirit and love will be with you always. Love Sheryl

  6. Gabriel Booysen on March 18, 2025 at 11:54 am

    Dear Connie, thank you for sharing these memories. I regret not having the pleasure of meeting Bob – it sounds like he was a person of value and wonderful to know.
    May his dear soul rest in peace.

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