Robert M. Levine
Robert M. Levine (Button Bob), age 67, died of complications of diabetes and kidney disease on October 6, 2018, in St. Louis, MO
He was a devoted family man and leaves behind his wife, Leslie; his children Melissa, Jonathan (Jaclyn Johnson), Katie (Greg) Berger, and Jennie (Jake) Patt. He was an adoring and poud PaPa to Samantha, Eloise, Henry and Liam; his sisters JoAnn (Joel) Lynn and Sharon Levine; parents in law Dudley and Judy Bryant; sisters and brothers in law Laura Bryant, John Hutton, Bob and Jenny Kent-Bryant; niece and nephews, cousins and friends. He is preceded in death by his parents Ervan and Gerry Levine and Bernie Friedman.
Bob was born May 1, 1951 in Hannibal, MO and spent the first 10 years of his life growing up in Vandalia, MO. His family moved to the St. Louis area after the death of his father. Bob graduated from Clayton High School and Washington University with a 2 year stint at SIU Carbondale in between. For 45 years Bob worked in the printing and specialty advertising industry which he fondly referred to as “Trash and Trinkets”.
Bob was a social, active man who was deeply involved in many organizations for the majority of his life. He enjoyed politics, collecting political items, and umpiring softball. He loved mentoring newcomers and especially he loved mentoring and supporting young people. His family and friends will always remember him as an involved and caring person who always put others before himself.
We will be gathering from 1:30pm to 4:00pm on December 29, 2018, at Local 655 Food and Commercial Workers Union Headquarters located at 300 Weidman Rd, Manchester MO 63011. All are welcome to attend and celebrate Bob’s life. Come prepared to tell a story or two!
As long time family member of MADCO, Bob will be missed! Prayers and thoughts to Leslie and loved ones….