Papa Boo

Robert Myover

“End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take.
The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.

White shores, and beyond, a far green country under a swift sunrise.” – JRR Tolkien


Robert Spery Myover (1/25/1953- 2/19/2022) or “Boo” as known by most people, was the
second child born to Max and Virginia Myover of Florissant, MO.


The Myover family was a musical one, and Boo grew up surrounded by musicians, being influenced by the classics as well as contemporary music and theater. As a child he loved playing guitar, sailing on Alton lake with his family and playing baseball, which he loved all his life. Boo graduated from McCluer High School, class of 71′ and is lucky to call many from his class life-long friends. It was there that he was known to bring Yell Leading to new heights. Working as a roadie for bands in the 70’s, and being the music connoisseur he was, Boo saw all the major acts of the day. He was the proud father of daughter Rebecca Erin Myover- Piotrowski and father-in-law to Michael Piotrowski. He was most affectionately known as “Boo Daddy” by Erin’s friends and to all of the kids involved in the many community theater productions that he starred in with her during her childhood. He was overjoyed to become “Papa Boo ” to Wyatt Emmett (deceased), James Robert and Maya Grace Piotrowski and instilled a sincere love of the Beatles in his grandchildren.


Boo was always moved by music and nurtured a deep appreciation of the arts in his daughter, who became a musician herself, and he never stopped learning new instruments or seeing concerts. He fulfilled a life-long dream by visiting Liverpool and other sites that the Beatles frequented in 2019 on a trip with childhood friends. Boo was also a voracious reader who loved fantasy, history, and shared a familial passion for ancestry research as well as peanut butter. Wherever Boo went, he left a legacy of friendship and kindness. He treasured his family and friendships most of all in his lifetime and always put those above himself. He truly embodied “peace and love” and in his last days, reminded us all to let peace in and send love out. Boo was also a mischievous, spritely sort whose gift was to keep things light and to share his sparkle with everyone around him without asking for anything in return. He was the sweetest, gentlest, goofiest man who really believed that love is the only thing that matters. Boo had a quick wit, a positive, wild spirit, and a twinkle in his eye that immediately made you feel at ease and that you could share things with him. He was the best friend anyone could have asked for, many echoing the same sentiment: “He was the kindest man I’ve ever met.” Boo demonstrated love; love to those he knew and also to perfect strangers. People who encountered him only briefly felt compelled to tell of how his kindness impacted their lives. As he would say quoting the Beatles, “The word is LOVE.”


Boo worked as a real estate appraiser and as a bartender at numerous restaurants such as Bobbie Buford’s in Columbia, Robata of Japan of Westport with his brother Michael “Duke”, and for the past 25 years at Annie Gunn’s, where he was named St. Louis bartender of the year in 2008 by STL Magazine, and known as a friend by all who entered. When Boo was diagnosed with esophageal cancer last June, he said that if the cancer took him down, he would not lose his battle to cancer- but rather, it would be a draw. Just as he would die, so would the cancer. Robert Myover took the cancer down like Gandolf fighting the Balrog. He passed in peace surrounded by friends and family, listening to the Beatles.


In the end, he said that “knowing your end is coming isn’t all that bad if you’re proud of the life you’ve lived”. He was content with where the road led him and had no regrets. We should all be so lucky. His life was tremendous. As one of his favorite Beatles songs says, “And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make.”


Robert is survived by daughter Rebecca Erin Myover-Piotrowski (Michael Piotrowski); grandchildren James Robert and Maya Grace Piotrowski; sister Chris Ann Sikorski (Don)  Sikorski; bother James Michael “Duke”; nieces and nephews Erik Sikorski (Jennifer), Andrea Fox, and Lilah, Cooper and Colton Myover; great nieces and nephews Katie Sikorski and Eleanor, Alec and Evie Fox.


The family will be planning a memorial/celebration of life ceremony in St. Louis on Sunday, July 10th, 2022 at the Westport Playhouse 2 – 6PM.


Donations can be made in Robert’s name to Esophageal Cancer Research:


Several people have asked to help with services for Robert. If you would like to contribute, donations can be made to Robert’s Go Fund Me page:


  1. Rich Gebhardt on March 10, 2022 at 12:59 pm

    I love you Boo! So lucky to have worked with you only to become good friends beforeand after my 12 years at Annie’s. We shared many a night listening and talking about music and life. Damn I miss you brother. I will never listen to the Foo and The Beatles without hearing your voice.

  2. Linda Azar on March 12, 2022 at 8:18 am

    Love you Robert! You will always be remembered as a true gentleman. Thank you for the great warmth and kindness you always gave to me and all of those around you. Rip.

  3. Donald MacDonald on March 12, 2022 at 9:21 am

    The most gentle big hearted individual I’ve ever known. Boo, you will be greatly missed.

  4. Michele on March 12, 2022 at 8:23 pm

    Missing my friend. I’m so glad we met and even happier knowing we talked about the Lord. I know you’re with him now and my heart is at peace. So long Boo. ♥️

  5. Michael Finneran on March 13, 2022 at 7:44 pm

    Bon voyage, Boo. I am so lucky to have had you for a friend the last 50 years. Peace and love, Hank.

  6. Jim Baldanza on March 14, 2022 at 4:17 pm

    There will never be another Boo

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