Ronald Michael Vago
Retired St. Louis City firefighter and Co-Owner Mom’s Deli with his brother, Charles for 35 years, passed away peacefully at home with his wife, partner and sweetheart of over 50 years, Sandra Vago, on January 18th after a long hard fought battle with cancer.
He is dearly loved and will be missed immeasurably, by Sandra and by his brother, Dennis, his sister, Carmen, his children and step-children Kim, Debra, and Diane; his grandchildren, his many nieces, nephews, cousins, sister-in-law, Judy, so many friends and just about everyone he ever met. His smile, generosity, humor and kindness will long be remembered and missed by all.
As per his wishes, he did not want a funeral and would like his ashes placed with his immediate family at the Vago plot. He requested anyone wishing to send flowers, instead to donate, please give to Cancer Research Foundations.
I am so sorry for your loss. I remember Ron’s generous spirit and many kindnesses to our family. I am sure he will be floating around like a butterfly spreading kindness to others now. Our deepest sympathy.
I remember Ron as a kind and full of fun classmate at St Ambrose School .He will be missed !
Our deepest sympathies!
Kella ( Grassi) & Tom Hunter
I too remember Ron as a classmate at St. Ambrose. So sorry for your loss. He was always full of fun. God Bless you and your family at this time and on the future