Screenshot 2024-03-09 at 2.20.55 PM

Rosalie (Rosie) Bell

Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers.
There’s no way I can make it without it.
This girl here is 1 of 1 the absolute best sister that a person can ask for.
She’s in Jehovah’s memory but she will always be in my heart
Rosalie (Rosie) Bell


Funeral will be held:

March 16, 2024 @ 4:00 pm

At Kingdom Hall of Jehovah’s

1800 St. Peters Howell Rd

St. Peters, MO 63376


Zoom credentials 

Zoom ID: 8337233780

Password: 916360



  1. BB on March 9, 2024 at 4:29 pm

    Feel free to express yourself about my sister I would love to read it

  2. Victoria Neealy on March 9, 2024 at 4:42 pm

    Definitely one of a kind.
    Our last visit was full of nothing but laughs. I’m truly going to miss her.
    Still in disbelief.
    But I know I’ll see her again till then see you later my friend.

  3. Syez on March 9, 2024 at 5:43 pm

    Dear sweet Rose 🌹 oh how I’ll miss u. The long talks about everything, reminiscing about Armond, & so much more. U will truly be missed & remembered. I love u Ma Rose 🕯️🕊️

  4. Rose Whitfield on March 9, 2024 at 5:59 pm

    I’m gonna miss my flower girl, just think, I truly look forward in seeing her again, with Dad & Tony and her son, so we can all get together without all the pain, and hurt. May Jehovah give you the strength to carry on. Your other Mom Rose Whitfield 🌹 🙏🏾😪

  5. Rose Whitfield on March 9, 2024 at 6:00 pm

    I’m gonna miss my flower girl, just think, I truly look forward in seeing her again, with Dad & Tony and her son, so we can all get together without all the pain, and hurt. May Jehovah give you the strength to carry on. Your other Mom🌹 🙏🏾😪

  6. Michelle Sherrell on March 9, 2024 at 7:46 pm


    You came into my life when I was short on friends and you chose to be my sister. There are no amount of buckets that can hold the tears that I have shed.

    I will never forget your words of wisdom. Nor the times that you let me do the same for you. I am ready to celebrate the love and life of my dear sister. You gave me a precious gift of reassurance and time. 25 years of togetherness. I look forward to being there for your resurrection parry.

    I’m thinking beach party as you walk toward us over a wooded bridge to the sand. Such beauty inside and out. Rest up sis. I will be there to give you an update. Luv u to Everlasting life.

  7. Keith Joiner on March 10, 2024 at 7:38 am

    Remembering a wonderful Sister and good Friend, she will truly be missed, her personality and making people laugh was one quality that was unique and special, it was hard not to be happy talking or being around her, I remember our days in High School, the 80’s you got to love em, I was heart broken when I heard about Her Dad, her Son and her brother Tony passing. To -BB my deepest condolences, I will always have the fondest memories of Rosalie, and all the family. My prayers are with you, and the hope we have in Jehovah reuniting everyone that knew and loved your big Sis !!!

  8. Debbi Patrick-Amerson on March 10, 2024 at 1:10 pm

    This ⭐one is hard to swallow. We have been in each other’s life since the age of 5 and I’m 56 that’s over 50 years to love someone. You have been my big sister my best friend my road dog and so much more. We were truly womb to the tomb. Our families have always been close. We have fought wars, birthed and lost children and parents together. We have been at each other’s weddings and been in weddings and dramas. We have traveled seen the world together. So much unleft life we had. We have had sleep overs and snuck out of the house together. You were a part of my life as I was part of yours. I will always love ❤you. I will miss you so much my sister from another mother. ❤❤❤❤❤. Deborah Patrick

  9. Audrey ElAmin on March 10, 2024 at 1:15 pm

    Rose was my oldest niece. I will never forget her beautiful infectious smile, her warm laugh, and wonderful sense of style. It was always a joyous occasion whenever we visited, whether in St. Louis or in the DC area. I will miss so much talking, laughing, and reminiscing with her, as she was the first grandchild of the family. May the Lord keep you and give you peace.
    Love you so much,
    Your Aunt Audrey

  10. Russell Lindsey on March 10, 2024 at 2:10 pm

    Rose was my dear cousin. She brought life to all of us. One of my fondest memories is when I was in school at Wash U, she came to visit and had a great time. She was truly unique and will be missed. I love and miss you dearly!!
    Your cousin,

  11. The Hargroves, Mike & Vickie on March 10, 2024 at 4:25 pm

    My little girl at 6 loan me & Michael her TV since ours went out as Newlyweds living upstairs. The Bells were our family. The new world looking forward to seeing them all and George Dillard. Great memories San Francisco & Penrose Park Cong back in the 70’s.
    Bebe hang in there you Annette & George. 🙏💙🌹💙

  12. Debbie McKeown and Cassandra Woods on March 11, 2024 at 2:59 pm

    You will be missed my dear friend, sister and schoolmate class of 1985 OFallon Tech High. Very cool lady and good listener and wonderful servant of Jehovah. See you in Paradise.

  13. Bertha Mims on March 11, 2024 at 8:37 pm

    From the Mims family,
    We send you our love and sympathy. You have been a rock to your family for some years now, and we pray that Jehovah continues to give you the strength that you need. Always know that your brothers and sisters from the old San Francisco congregation have your back cuz your mother and your father was always there for us too. We look forward to seeing all of our dead loved one soon if Jehovah helps us to get through the tribulation and into his paradise. That will not be long we all look forward to that time. Hang in there B.B.(Felix Jr.)
    Much 💕💕 love

  14. Jeanette Baber (Punkin) on March 12, 2024 at 6:34 am

    Dear family,
    I love all your comments about Rose. She was truly a sweet, funny sister despite all the things she was going through. When Rose wake up in the New World 🌎 I can’t wait to meet her in person, we only talked on the phone and text, she never made it to Texas. I’m happy for the time we did have, I will wait for the better times. You stay strong during these difficult times BB. Jehovah will sustain you.

    Jeanette Baber(Punkin)❣

  15. Robert and Sallie Temple on March 12, 2024 at 2:33 pm

    Missing Rose like crazy. Her Uncle Robert and Aunt Sallie will remember her kindness and love always
    Uncle Robert

  16. William Oliver Temple Jr on March 13, 2024 at 3:12 pm

    Rose made me an Uncle for the first time on March 1, 1967. I never forget the good times we had going out to restaurants with her brother Tony and my sister Annette, and the all the fun we had. Rose ALWAYS said Thank you Uncle Billy and I Love You Uncle Billy. She always called me to check on me and when we were going to get together. Rose is at peace and I miss her. See you in Paradise Lady Rose,
    Your Loving Uncle Billy

  17. Vivian White on March 14, 2024 at 10:52 am

    Rose was my neighbor for many years. She lived across the street from me
    Every morning when I went outside I would see her she would greet me with the biggest smile that would make my day. She was always a joy to be around. In spite of her challenges, she was always uplifting and encouraging. I miss her dearly.

  18. Gildra Shenise Gordon on March 14, 2024 at 11:24 am

    Rose was my first friend when I came to San Francisco 12 years ago, she was so real it hurt sometimes, but I loved her all the more for it.

  19. Faith Morris on March 16, 2024 at 10:44 am

    Rose was a one of a kind precious gem and my Best Friend of 40 yrs. I am so grateful that Jehovah caused our paths to cross in High School (O’Fallon) and blessed us with many years of friendship, love and laughter! My deepest condolences to her family and all who loved her. I’ll hold on to the promise that Jehovah has given us of the New Order (no sickness, pain or death), which means I will see my friend again.
    Best Friends Forever- Faith Morris

  20. Michael on March 16, 2024 at 12:38 pm

    Rose is my little sister. She possessed a big heart that was matched by her smile. Rose was complex, caring, elusive, and curious, but most importantly, she was loving. She never failed to call me her brother or, as she would fondly say, “Big Brother.”

    Rose, I miss you and know you are at peace and lovely embracing your son at this moment.

    Rest In Power “Little Sister”.

  21. Carl Edward Helenkamp III on March 23, 2024 at 10:58 pm

    You have my deepest condolences

  22. Paige Hamilton on August 29, 2024 at 11:10 pm

    Rose I’m going to miss you sooo much💔😭 I was the little sister you never had you would always say that. I’m so angry I’ve been trying to reach you only to find out today August 29th and you passed in March. I have been calling and texting no response I didn’t think you had left us so soon😭I didn’t even get to say my goodbyes💔😭 I love you Rose 🌹

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